After my mind-blowing, epic 416 days of travel around the globe, I still wake up each day, to the exact same question. So where am I? It’s surreal, exhilarating and momentarily befuddling; then my home bedroom wall comes into focus. Yes, OK, no packing today. I’m back in my hometown, beautiful Downtown St. Pete, Florida. Unsurprisingly, I haven’t found any edges to our globe yet, even after adding all these stops to my globetrotting list…

416 Days Later Globetrotter Michael Scott Novilla Returns Home
Hello to my fellow Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Dreamers, Start-Ups and Positive Folks, it’s Michael Scott Novilla, the founder of the Entrepreneur Social Club [tm], returning home from an epic 416-day world tour. Our resident Tech Guru Chris Jenkins managed and hosted the St. Pete, Florida chapter of the ESC while I was away, he is most deserving of and certainly get’s my deepest appreciation and gratitude. THANK YOU CHRIS!!
![The Entrepreneur Social Club [tm] presents, Yo Entrepreneurs Tonight We Drink to Hanoi!! Thursday June 21, 2018 hosted by ESC founder Michael Scott Novilla](
Yo Entrepreneurs Tonight We Drink to Hanoi
The Entrepreneur Social Club [tm] presents, Yo Entrepreneurs Tonight We Drink to Hanoi!!
Yet another hot, humid Hanoi Thursday night descends upon us, in the lovely north of Vietnam. It’s me, Michael Scott Novilla, hosting another of my infamous Entrepreneur Social Club [tm] meetings. The good ol’ ESC. June 21 of 2018 already, the weeks pass like days, the hours like minutes. Things are only gonna get faster and crazier, fo sho, as the Singularity approaches. My head is spinning from the fact that I’ve already hosted 6 ESC Meetings, here in Hanoi, Vietnam, tonight my 7th. May 10, May 17, May 24, May 31, June 7, June 14 and tonight’s June 21. I HAD planned on June 28, 2018 as my grande finale, BUT just realized my visa ends June 26 not June 29, so this is it my friends! To celebrate while saying a bittersweet Goodbye. Yo Entrepreneurs Tonight We Drink to Hanoi!!
![I Wanna Be a Hanoi Tour Guide! Discussed at the Entrepreneur Social Club [tm] Thursday June 14, 2018 hosted by founder Michael Scott Novilla, Hanoi Vietnam](
I Wanna Be a Hanoi Tour Guide
The Entrepreneur Social Club [tm] discusses what I hear so many people say. I Wanna Be a Hanoi Tour Guide.
Tonight is another hot, sticky and humid Thursday night in Hanoi, Vietnam. I, Michael Scott Novilla the founder of the “ESC”, try to avoid this humidity with all my might. Yet here I am, hosting my always fun and productive Entrepreneur Social Club [tm]. It’s June 14, 2018, to be precise, and as 7:00 pm (that’s 19:00) approaches I wonder who will join us tonight..? I promise it’ll be productive AND fun, as it ALWAYS is! Check out the photos and ESC BLOG from last week’s June 7 meeting! Again we gather at TOONG CoWorking, Tầng 3, 8 Tràng Thi, Hàng Trống, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội. I’ve been hosting this meeting almost every single Thursday night since 2009, and one thing is for sure, I never know exactly how it’ll go. Let’s see…

Scientists Sushi and Splits in Hanoi Vietnam
Entrepreneur Social Club enjoys Scientists Sushi and Splits in Hanoi Vietnam.
Tonight is Thursday June 7, 2018 and Michael Scott Novilla, that’s me, the founder of the “ESC”, am hosting my always fun and productive Entrepreneur Social Club [tm]. Productive AND fun? Yea!! Check out the photos and ESC BLOG from last week’s May 31, 2018 meeting! Once again we gather at TOONG CoWorking, located at Tầng 3, 8 Tràng Thi, Hàng Trống, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội. See I’ve been hosting this weekly meeting virtually every Thursday night since 2009. While I’m Globetrotting, fellow ESC member Chris Jenkins our web master and CTO of Symphony Agency handles the St. Pete, Florida meetings. At our HQ, located at my world-class wedding and unique event venue NOVA 535. Here in Hanoi, I’m using MeetUp plus old school style networking, and passing out my business cards. This is connecting me with my fellow like-minded Entrepreneurs. Locals and people visiting from all over. China, Korea, Japan, Brazil, Paraguay, Italy, Spain, Canada, France, and well, you get it. Let’s keep things moving and find out why the Entrepreneur Social Club enjoys Scientists Sushi and Splits in Hanoi Vietnam. (more…)

Entrepreneur Social Club enjoys the Sweet Chaos of Hanoi Vietnam
Entrepreneur Social Club enjoys the Sweet Chaos of Hanoi Vietnam
Tonight is Thursday May 31, 2018 and I, Michael Scott Novilla, the founder of the “ESC”, am hosting my always fun and productive Entrepreneur Social Club [tm]. Fun AND productive you say? Check out the ESC BLOG from last week’s May 24, 2018 meeting! We meet again at TOONG CoWorking, Tầng 3, 8 Tràng Thi, Hàng Trống, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội. I’ve been hosting the ESC virtually every Thursday night since 2009, and while I’m wandering around SEA, fellow ESC member and Tech Guru, Chris Jenkins runs the ESC in St. Pete, Florida. At my world-class wedding and unique event venue NOVA 535. Here in Hanoi, I’m using MeetUp and a lot of daily networking, plus passing out my business cards like free candy, to help me connect with the like-minded local Entrepreneurs. Let’s find out how the Entrepreneur Social Club enjoys the Sweet Chaos of Hanoi Vietnam. (more…)

Entrepreneur Social Club returns to Toong Coworking Hanoi Vietnam
Entrepreneur Social Club returns to Toong Coworking Hanoi Vietnam
Tonight is Thursday May 24, 2018 and it’s me, Michael Scott Novilla, the founder of the Entrepreneur Social Club [sm], the “ESC”, hosting another Entrepreneur Social Club meeting OUTSIDE of the USA. Check out the ESC BLOG from last weeks May 17, 2018 meeting! Tonight we meet again at TOONG CoWorking, located at Tầng 3, 8 Tràng Thi, Hàng Trống, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội. I’ve been hosting the ESC every Thursday night since 2009, though while I’m Globetrotting, my pal and ESC member, Tech Guru, Chris Jenkins runs the ESC show back home in St. Petersburg, Florida. At my gorgeous, world-class wedding and event venue NOVA 535. Here in Hanoi, I’m using MeetUp and a lot of daily networking, old school handing out of my business cards, saying hello, kissing babies, all that. Forming a new crew of like minded Entrepreneurs. So let’s take a paak at who showed and what we discovered tonight in the #SweetChaos of Hanoi, Vietnam! (more…)

Entrepreneur Social Club at Toong Coworking Hanoi Vietnam
Entrepreneur Social Club at Toong Coworking Hanoi Vietnam.
Tonight is Thursday May 17, 2018 and from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Michael Scott Novilla, the founder of the Entrepreneur Social Club, which we affectionately call the ESC, hosted our 2nd ever Entrepreneur Social Club meeting held OUTSIDE of the USA. Check out the ESC BLOG from last weeks May 10, 2018 meeting! Tonight we meet again at TOONG CoWorking, located at Tầng 3, 8 Tràng Thi, Hàng Trống, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội. Michael, well that’s me actually; I’ve been hosting the ESC every Thursday night since 2009. While I’m Globetrotting, our fellow founding member and Tech Guru, Chris Jenkins is running the ESC show in Sunny St. Pete, Florida. At the ESC HQ, my world-class wedding and event venue NOVA 535. I’m using MeetUp and a lot of elbow grease to form a new nexus of Entrepreneurs. Let’s see how things are progressing here in the #SweetChaos of Hanoi, Vietnam! (more…)

Entrepreneur Social Club visits Hanoi Vietnam
Entrepreneur Social Club visits Hanoi Vietnam.
Thursday May 10, 2018 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm the founder of the Entrepreneur Social Club, Michael Scott Novilla, (that’s me!) hosted the first ever Entrepreneur Social Club, “ESC”, meeting in the SweetChaos of Hanoi, Vietnam. This historic meeting took place at TOONG CoWorking Space, located at Tầng 3, 8 Tràng Thi, Hàng Trống, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội. Here are the MeetUp details. Of course after the meeting, we when just 2 flights downstairs, to a local restaurant for dinner and more drinks. This is a true Social Club, lots of fun was had, mixed with a productive and enlightening business meeting. Be warned that this is a social club, so if you end up out in Hanoi with me at 5 am, which a few did, it’s your own fault! Speaking of 5 am, my first book “It’s 5 am Go Home!” is coming soon!

Happy EntrepreNEWerial New Year
Happy EntrepreNEWerial New Year from the Entrepreneur Social Club! We’ve Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Dreamers, Start-Ups and Positive Folks gathered here at historic DTSP venue NOVA 535, on a beautiful Thursday January 4, 2018. For our weekly evening of networking, schmoozing, business development, mentoring, laughter, business card reviewinf and so much more! It’s typically the highlight of the week for many of us, for the camaraderie, the imparted wisdom, the hugs, smiles and laughter; plus if you hang around long enough, you may be an #afterparty #falloutvictum. More, or not, about that later…