Hey! It’s Thursday night again, back here in our DTSP venue HQ NOVA 535 for the weekly gathering of the Entrepreneur Social Club (TM). It’s every Thursday night, well except an occasional holiday respite, since 2009. That’s a lot of faces, laughs; oh man, so many laughs. Real long, belly shaking ones that let out the stresses of our working lives. We are the Entrepreneurs, dreamers, business owners, visionaries, mentors, students and start-ups. Those of us who cannot help but to make things better. Smoother, faster, less expensive, more reliable. Or just new. New technologies, new systems, new solutions. That’s us. It certainly isn’t the politician, oh no! In fact club rules EXPRESSLY forbid religion and politics. Because then we all get along, arguing about what’s best, not about what’s just best for me. Entrepreneurs make things better for everyone. Better for all is better for all. Think about that. When things are better, that’s better for EVERYONE. So we take that positive, can do better attitude, for ourselves, our businesses, our customers and for our species, into, through and hopefully well beyond our weekly meetings. This is a time for us to connect, network, regenerate, grow and enjoy. So read on and join us on another ESC adventure!!
Month: June 2017

Swarm.City Boardwalk Release for Blockchain Enabled Commerce
Thursday June 15, 2017 we welcome back #Pioneer #Visionary Cate Colgan to our weekly Entrepreneur Social Club (TM). We’re back at our headquarters, the historic DTSP venue NOVA 535. Cate’s been working, as usual, on the bleeding edge of things. She’s a force of nature, always sniffing out the newest of the new, leading those around her into the future. Back in 2009, Cate appeared and talked me into our first Tweet-Up. Actually it was one of the first anywhere. Tonight she’s got us tuning into the launch of Boardwalk, by Swarm.City. We’ll learn more about Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain. Let’s call tonight’s story “Swarm.City Boardwalk Release for Blockchain Enabled Commerce.” Title, keyword and URL all gotta match up, ya know!

Things Hotels Gotta Get Right
No means No! Not ‘Maybe’, nor ‘Sometimes’. It means NO!! Please. PLEASE! This hotel has gotta get it right. Please!! Please hotel peoples, listen here to things hotels gotta get right. That little sign you hang on your door must be very clear. I love the RED for “leave me the F alone!” and GREEN for “yes please come and tidy up my messes.” Excellent hotels get this concept, like those in Japan and the Kimpton chain, for example. Others the maids may be banging on your door just to piss you off. Because we know they are way overpaid (sarcasm alert!) for that (mostly) thankless and difficult job. See I owned, before the great crash, 100 apartments, and let me tell you, I’ve done PLENTY of cleaning. Down to the bone clean. So here’s a big

Sunshine Grind Rain Rain Rinse and Repeat
During a week of much needed summer rain showers, we gathered like massive storm clouds once again, at our Entrepreneur Social Club (TM) headquarters, the historic DTSP venue NOVA 535. Our ESC weekly gathering can offer just the “sunlight and rain” we “wilted” business owners and Entrepreneurs need. Needed dearly after our hectic weeks to refresh, learn and grow. Tonight we saw many lovely, new faces, from all different industries, backgrounds and ancestries. Much of the fun and excitement of our gatherings is welcoming new people, with their unique stories, backgrounds and perspectives. Of course dinner, drinks and the afterparty party also offer us a chance to blow off the proverbial steam! So let’s call tonight’s story, from Thursday June 8, 2017, “Sunshine Grind Rain Rain Rinse and Repeat.”