During a week of much needed summer rain showers, we gathered like massive storm clouds once again, at our Entrepreneur Social Club (TM) headquarters, the historic DTSP venue NOVA 535. Our ESC weekly gathering can offer just the “sunlight and rain” we “wilted” business owners and Entrepreneurs need. Needed dearly after our hectic weeks to refresh, learn and grow. Tonight we saw many lovely, new faces, from all different industries, backgrounds and ancestries. Much of the fun and excitement of our gatherings is welcoming new people, with their unique stories, backgrounds and perspectives. Of course dinner, drinks and the afterparty party also offer us a chance to blow off the proverbial steam! So let’s call tonight’s story, from Thursday June 8, 2017, “Sunshine Grind Rain Rain Rinse and Repeat.”
It’s smiles like these that help us all “Sunshine Grind Rain Rain Rinse and Repeat.” Meaning the life of an Entrepreneur / Business Owner / Visionary is a grind. There is a lot of “rinse and repeat” that we all face, those daily challenges, including our own mistakes and the stupidity and ignorance of our fellow humans. The “paths / Beta tests” that (mostly) result in only failures and frustrations. But it’s up to US and US ALONE to solve our species shortcomings. It’s not gonna be from someone in spandex wearing a cape, like on the telly. No, the real “heroes” need to be us, the Entrepreneurs. And I’m delighted (yes Erika, delighted!) to be able to give back via this club. The moments like you see below, and throughout, are worth the 7 days a week Sunshine Grind Rain Rain Rinse and Repeat. Keep in mind that everything you see around you was created from the Entrepreneurial spirit. Be thankful and supportive of that!
Members in Attendance: Corine Potter (laughing above) CorineCosmetics.com returned to ESC to share that her first Feature Film “Random Tropical Paradise” opens this week. She was the lead makeup and hair designer, BRAVO! Also smiling and enjoying a cold beer, is Greg Simmons founder of Web Edge Digital Marketing, who offers professional online reputation management.
Pictured below is our pal Derrick Harmel, now with ClubSavor.com, sharing a moment with our favorite organic facial pitch queen Julia Maria, founder of 5DollarFacials.com.
Newcomer Kelly O’Brien, pictured below center and new with Berkshire Hathaway, found the ESC via being an Uber driver for Julia. Julia is always pitching, great job Julia! Ghostwriter Keith Long is back, looking dapper in his sunshiney yellow! They are joined by another newbie, Elaine Hart, a real estate salesperson. New to St. Pete, Elaine wants to meet people, and the ESC is an excellent choice for that – welcome Elaine! We can find her at ElaineByTheBay.com. She found us via Paradise magazine and comes to us from Atlanta via Pittsburg. After 33 years of corporate ‘slavery’, she wanted the freedom to work 24/7 like the rest of the Entrepreneurial world. Ha-ha! “I love people!” she shares and reminds me that she volunteered for the Crohn’s fundraiser we recently held here at historic DTSP venue NOVA 535. Thanks, Elaine!!
Ken Donaldson, pictured below left in white, is the author of Marry Yourself First. Check his books and more out at KenDonaldson.com. To Ken’s left (that’s our right, haha) is Dr. Thomas G. Quinlan of Rezults Weight Loss Clinic. He offers Psychological, Physical, and Nutritional paths to a true lifestyle change. He’s struggling with his name, Rezults, and so we go round and round with suggested URLs like MindChangeBodyChange.com and NowILoveMyself.com. See Gluten, Sugar and Dairy are the killers.. so you must change your mind before you can change your body. Ideal Image. Core Issues. We land on great advice from Chris Jenkins that Doc should focus on his name and brand HIMSELF as the expert in those key areas. Center below also in white is the smiling, lovely Kathi Harris, our favorite “Hat Lady”. She’s our friend and the fabulous founder of Hat-a-Tude.com.
Speaking of hilarious, Jodi Hansell pictured above in blue is in startup mode again. This time it’s Casitas Verdes, an industrial-chic container home project. I wanna learn more about this soon. She’s hugging Liliana Perez, owner of Nurti-Truck. Liliana is up at zero dark 30, aka ‘the crack of dawn’ in Tampa, and wants to expand to St. Pete. It’s better over here anyways!! She does healthy meal prep and works with personal trainers, providing nutritious food for their clients. Working some events in St. Pete already, specifically PRIVATE events and meal prep, she sees St. Pete’s growth in her future. Welcome!
Pictured above is newcomer Mark Belcher, wading into the marketing world. He found the ESC via Bethany, likes meeting and helping people, hard work likes seeing things through. Also, he’s a Sagittarius, like longs walks on the… haha I have no idea – kidding! Next to him is Julie Kovich, a bookkeeper. Stephanie Henry, working with Mark (her hubby – fyi – ha!) in marketing, also found us via Bethany. Stephanie works with our pal Rainer Scheer of Chill Lounge, and also works in VIP at Mahaffey. She is really good at marketing but LOVES creative design – from branding to packaging. She definitely has lots of interests – squirrel!! We suggest being a ‘Campaign Brand Consultant.’ Also, we recommend watching a sci-fi film Branded. We want to learn more about you three, hope to see you soon.
Tony Michaelides, above, is amazing. He goes from being introspective to a professional speaker in a flash. He’s an author, master storyteller, and so much more. Plus he’s F-ing HILARIOUS! Below is our beautiful Vanessa Baker, Bartender Extraordinaire, a wonderful human and also hilarious. Stick around the bar and you’ll find out.
Here’s a quick looksie at some of our typical dinner antics. The meeting at NOVA is just the start of an always fun and adventurous night with the ESC.
Below left, between Keith in yellow and Chris Jenkins in black with stripes, is Daniel Nyiri founder of 4U-Fitness. He just published a book and has sold about 1000 copies already! He was recently galavanting around Europe with his gorgeous wife/business partner, and was posting about his book on social media, which got him a speaking gig in Brussels; BRAVO! Next to Daniel are my good friends and superstars hubby and wife Chris Jenkins and Kym Jenkins, then Jody who we met earlier. Returning is our fav mobile app developer Sara MacQueen in the red. Sporting her sexy new glasses. MEOW!
We spoke a bit about blockchain and CryptoCurrencies, in prep for next week.
Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference. These apps run on a custom-built blockchain, an enormously powerful shared global infrastructure that can move value around and represent the ownership of property. This enables developers to create markets, store registries of debts or promises, move funds in accordance with instructions given long in the past (like a will or a futures contract), and many other things that have not been invented yet, all without a middleman or counterparty risk. The project was bootstrapped via an ether pre-sale during August 2014 by fans all around the world. It is developed by the Ethereum Foundation, a Swiss nonprofit, with contributions from great minds across the globe. Source: Ethereum .
LyteCoin and DogeCoin were mentioned. Chris Jenkins “this system is much safer yet not 100% ‘Free from Fuckery‘.” Next week we have a 7 pm presentation during ESC about this and Swarm.City.
Dinner tonight at Iberian Rooster locate at 475 Central Avenue DTSP.
Jenna Michael, bottom left in black, just moved to St. Pete and found us via FB and IG. She likes shooting Boudoir photography…who doesn’t?!? She’ll fit right in. Check out our fav Mayven Missbehavin. I’ll explain more in person. The top left corner is my amigo Jzon Livingston in a green T-shirt, of HigherMeading.com. JZON!! Theresa Rea Gay, The Tenacious Chick, middle right wearing glasses next to Tony, is back. Love her! Cal Tiger (not pictured here) of Silicon Beach LLC, his cloud and IoT business just created some partnerships with Salesforce.com Google’s Cloud Platform and Zoho. Bravo Cal!
Here are ALL the approved photos, and don’t worry, my photos and videos are always reviewed and approved for public consumption. What happens at ESC that needs to stay at ESC always does. Think Sargent Schultz!
Join us Thursday nights to “Sunshine Grind Rain Rain Rinse and Repeat” with the Entrepreneur Social Club. Check our upcoming location schedule!
PS: If you’re searching for that 5-Star event venue – weddings, holiday parties, film shoots, corporate events – then make sure to visit NOVA535.com the #1 rated venue in St. Pete / Tampa.