A Quick Peek Into Our Future
Thursday May 25, 2017 is another delightful St. Pete, Florida day, though it’s getting hotter fo sho. SUMMER IS COMING!! (yelled with a Game of Thrones enthusiasm) Yet with the breeze it’s still quite enjoyable. We gather every Thursday since 2009, to schmooze, network, mentor, listen, learn and hopefully get a bit smarter and wiser. The world is changing faster and faster, and even us cutting and bleeding edge Entrepreneurs are having an increasingly difficult time keeping up. We do what we can to keep it all together, yet according to some really, really smart, visionaries, we are likely to get passed by. And bested. By Algorithms. Biology and data are all algorithms. All programmable. But before we get too worked up, let’s grab a drink and some laughs and dig into tonight’s human to human meeting!

Lack of Parking. Every city, including the delightful Downtown St. Pete, Florida, suffers from parking scarcity. That’s why it’s great for developments like UBER and our very own ESC members Divine (parking) Services.
Technological Change. This will be tonight’s main topic, and increasingly inside of / surrounding ALL of us and our conversations, workings, lives, etc.
[] Will centralized data centers be faster / become more powerful than the distributed system we have now?
[] What jobs will be EFFECTED in mass in the next 10 years?

Taxi, Truck etc. drivers, light manufacturing, CS Reps, Cashiers, Telemarketers, Low-Mid Retail Sales, Big Box Retail, (Amazon killing) Low Level Software developers, Doctors
1%. High Quality. Concierge. Tech, Multifamily Housing, Food, Sports Stars
AR / VR developers, Architect, Software Developer and Content Producer. Space Exploration
Dataism: same math laws apply to both biological and electronic algorithms, thereby collapsing the barrier between animals (humans) and machines (Book Homo Deus)
Cody Bratton of Divine Services says we are 50-100 years away from the movie Wall-E. Think about 40 years ago for a moment, people went out for entertainment (they HAD TO) vs now entertainment is always with you on your device.

Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut, who discusses a post work society way ahead of his time. Check out our ESC recommended BOOKS.
3 Paths for Human Evolution: Cyborg. Inorganic Life. DNA Manipulation.
More high techno babble…
[] Blockchains. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocurrency
“A blockchain – originally block chain – is a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, secured from tampering and revision. Each block contains a timestamp and a link to a previous block. By design, blockchains are inherently resistant to modification of the data — once recorded, the data in a block cannot be altered retroactively. Through the use of a peer-to-peer network and a distributed timestamping server, a blockchain database is managed autonomously…” {Wikipedia}
[] Bitcoin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin
[] VPN. I just got my first, it’s just an APP away.
[] Meshnet Reddit. Talk to us about this.
Hack: Hospitality (EVENT). Learn Problems, build tech, have beta customers July 21, 2017. This isn’t an ESC event but sounds really cool.
Showtime show Dark Net https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darknet

Members in Attendance:
Michael McCoy, Tony Michaelides, Greg Simmons founder of Web Edge Digital Marketing, ghost writer Keith Long, stylist Sophia Sanh, newcomer Carl Goodney of Florida Medicare Options who found us via Paradise Magazine. Welcome! Leonard Schmiege – vote systems for AirBnB, Mr After-After Art Gueli, (Tonight’s) bartender and Downtown Crawler Founder Andreas Neuert, Laura Barrett founder of BarrettSchoolOfMusic.com, for in home music lessons; she is also with DowntownCrawlers.com. Kathi Harris our favorite “Hat Lady”, she’s the fabulous founder of Hat-a-Tude.com.
Newcomer Ken Donaldson of KenDonaldson.com found ESC via FB, his is Author of Marry Yourself First. Teaches a better relationship with yourself so you can have a better relationship with others. ChangeUpWorks.com. In process of rebranding, want to move more into corporate vs a Mental Health Professional. More focus on Emotional intelligence. Cate recommends he visit JamesAltucher.com
Mr. Nice Guy Jeff Sassano and 5DollarFacials.com Julia Maria, my good friends and superstars hubby and wife Chris Jenkins and Kym Jenkins, plus returning pal and visionary Cate Colgan of NameYourStartup.com.
Phil Peyton founder of the cool local bike tour company Tour St. Pete, newcomer Corine Potter CorineCosmetics.com vis FB need help with marketing. Online store via SQUARE. Dan Diaz Freelance Entertainer DanDiazEntertainment.com is back (hire a designer for your next biz card Dan) plus Tony Laporta Mr. Is it time for DINNER Yet?. Derrick Harmel returns to ESC, now with ClubSavor.com; along with Roger Curlin founder of ClubSavor.com. The best $29.95 / month you can spend.
We welcome newcomer Brett Leming, of Valet on Demand DevineServices.com, in tonight via Cody Bratton CEO DevineServices.com. And the always lovely, smart, and my good pal Erika Cain who, among MANY other things is a Female Magician, Performer, Show and Content Producer, and so much more!
Dinner tonight at (our fav!!) Brick and Mortar located at 539 Central Avenue. 727-822-6540

Upcoming ESC Events:
June 1 St. Pete Healthy Lifestyles. Buy your tickets and help support our ESC members plus get yourself healthier!
June 15 Swarm.City. Swarm City is the first truly decentralized peer to peer sharing economy. Launching “Boardwalk” Live streaming. More info will be available here.
Psst!! Our ESC member Sheri Kendrick, founder of the heartbreakingly kind charity LLOM.org needs to raise some $$, if you have a heart and a few extra $$.
Below are ALL of the pics from tonight, and even a few AFTER, After, after, shush, after party (safe mode on) ones made it…. be careful, this is for the grownups ONLY!
Join us EVERY THURSDAY for the Entrepreneur Social Club, check HERE for exact location.
And if you or someone you care about is looking to host a wedding, reception, corporate event, holiday party, film shoot or other private event, and they want to enjoy 5 Star service, please recommend to them NOVA 535.
Here is a really cool 360 video of historic DTSP venue NOVA 535, WATCH on PHONE/TABLET.