Purpose – Key to a Longer Life

Dan Buettner presents seven keys to living a longer life – an average of 11-12 years longer and an increase in the number of 100+ people living in a society.

There’s one of those seven I’d like to discuss – Purpose – a reason for getting out of bed in the morning.  People in Okinawa have a special word for this concept – Ikigai. Equally notable they do not have a word for retirement.

What is your Ikigai?



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The birth of a Rock Star

‘Please allow me to introduce myself,  I’m a man of wealth and taste. ‘  Indeed wealth comes in many forms and you won’t be hearing any sympathy from this devil !  Living a lifetime in a job you love brings with it many stories, a wealth of lessons learned and some magical memories. As  Cesare Pavese once told us, ‘We don’t remember days , we remember moments. The Birth of a Rock Star!


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How to destroy your business in three easy steps.

So, you’ve gone to all the trouble to open a business: you’ve raised the capital, hired employees, bought inventory, and opened the doors. Mission accomplished! Until, of course, the actual pressures of running a business come to bear. If the work of being a business owner, and subject to actual market feedback is overwhelming, what’s a lifestyle entrepreneur to do? Why, destroy the business, naturally! Here’s how to accomplish that laudable goal in three easy steps.

1. Refuse to take criticism of any kind, especially from experts, and blame everyone around you for the business’s shortcomings. 


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selling your friends gold dollar sign

Make Money Selling Your Friends

Selling your friends!

In Também Consulting I offer consulting on the SuccessFactors Learning Management System.  The business is a Professional Services business based entirely on relationships.  It’s all about acquiring resources (people) and putting them to work. Selling your friends!

Companies involved in this work partner up and sign agreements that whichever party brings in a resource owns the relationship with that resource.  The other party cannot do a direct contract with that resource. It’s clearly defined relationships.


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The Entrepreneur Social Club meeting just ended, now what?

Every Thursday at the gorgeous St. Pete venue NOVA 535, the Entrepreneur Social Club meeting begins at 6 pm.  This meeting is part drinking, part socializing and networking, part helping and mentoring, part teaching and sharing, part pitching and selling, part laughing and goofing around, part making new friends and business connections, and part realizing that we, as positive creative ‘can-do’ people, must be the evolutionary change the world so desperately needs. So by 8 pm-ish, we’ve worked up quite an appetite, and most of the group sticks together to dine and continue to enjoy the entrepreneurial creative ‘bubble’ that we’ve formed over the last few hours. During dinner, new real friendships take hold, business ideas and plans are discussed, deals are made and creative dreams are born, and lots of joking, laughter, drinking and fun is had.


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So, what’s this ESC.com thing about, anyways?

There have been hints, rumors, and mini-conversations, but we’re far enough along at this point to really start laying out our vision for the ESC.com site. This post seeks to help clarify what our desires are, and how ESC.com can help you.

The purpose of the site is three fold:

  • Coalesce our social conversation around the web into one place.
  • Leverage Google authorship and other social tools to help build individual authority (the KPI program).
  • Formalize our coordination of entrepreneurial events (and ESC meeting events) with the addition of an advisory board of regular members.

I’ll go through each of these three points below:


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What’s the Impact of tourism here in St. Petersburg?

We all know tourists and the Dollars, Euros, Yen, Pounds, Renminbi and such that they bring to spend here add a nice punch to our local economy. But what are the latest figures?

During May 7-15, 2013, National Tourism Week will be celebrated locally to recognize the contributions the tourism industry provides through job creation in our market.

St. Petersburg/CLW is ranked as the most popular vacation destination along Florida’s west coast, with Pinellas County being recognized as the leading destination location on the Gulf Coast.


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Sales in the 21st Century – It’s Not About You!

There is an impression that the world of sales has suddenly changed, leaving most businesses out in the cold wondering what happened to their revenue. In actuality, this couldn’t be further from the truth. If you had been watching carefully, this was the inevitable conclusion of all that has come before. The fact that a few years ago we were calling it Sales 2.0, is a clue that this is a progression, not a spontaneous appearance. One thing that is true, sales looks nothing like it did 20, 10, or even 5 years ago.


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ESC Advisory Board Entrepreneur Social Club for MIchael 48th

Introducing the Entrepreneur Social Club (ESC) Advisory Board

The Entrepreneur Social Club ESC Advisory Board is a group of ESC members collaborating to drive the future of the organization, both through planning and support, and in building personal and brand authority for our businesses. If you’re interested in joining the board, please email Chris at EntrepreneurSocialClub dot com or MichaelSNovilla at Gmail dot com.

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