As each year comes to an end, our Friends and Family gather for Nova Noel. Meeting up a final time at our HQ, the historic DTSP venue NOVA 535, for our Nova Noel, wild annual holiday party. December 28, 2017 brought us our 10th Nova Noel, each one filled with special memories and unique moments that can only be concocted by the combo of Entrepreneurs, small business owners, Santa time and plenty of alcohol. Nova Noel 10 certainly didn’t disappoint. Laughs, zaniness, gorgeous ladies swinging from the rafters and Santa strutting his stuff, all while we enjoyed the delicious beats of DJ MEGA and the tasty, healthy food from Chef Ray Milton. Luckily I hired photographer Ann Coffman to capture all of our madness, so I could spend more time zipping around spreading our unique ESC holiday cheer!

Subcentral at Iberian Rooster
A Happier Healthier Entrepreneur Social Club is Subcentral at Iberian Rooster Downtown St. Pete.
Hello Thursday December 21, 2017! Here we are at Subcentral, the cool (literally) underground entertainment section of the Iberian Rooster, located at 475 Central Avenue, Downtown St. Pete. Our HQ, the historic venue NOVA 535, is closed for a private wedding and reception, so we’ve ventured further into DTSP to set-up shop for the evening. I never know who will show up for these off-site (not at NOVA 535) Entrepreneur Social Club ™ meetings. Roger Curlin, the super starter Mr. Johnny Hussle himself is the first to arrive, and is immediately asking how he can be helpful. Great guy! So we rearrange some high top tables and chairs, get my laptop all powered up, find a secure WiFi channel and begin prepping for tonight’s ESC meeting. Let’s see who showed up and what they had to say….

Mutant ESCape
Mutant ESCape. Huh? It’s another gorgeous Thursday evening, December 14th, the year 2017 almost at its finale. We weary and overworked small business owners and Entrepreneurs, gather here, once again at our HQ, the historic DTSP wedding venue and event space NOVA 535. This is our ritual, the night we recharge, blow of steam, vent, laugh, cry and share our tales of success and failures. Gathering again for our weekly ESC meeting of biz dev (business development for those not in the know) networking and schmoozing. ESC is quick speak for Entrepreneur Social Club ™. ESC can also be short code for ESCape. Analog or Digital ESCape. Like that necessary evil of a button on the top left of your keyboard. The one we pound on often to stop an impending mistake, or to return us back to where we started.

Offsite at The Queens Head DTSP
Entrepreneur Social Club is Offsite at The Queens Head DTSP
Tonight is Thursday, November 9, 2017, and we gather at one of our favorite DTSP locations, the Queens Head DTSP. Our Entrepreneur Social Club HQ, historic venue NOVA 535, is booked for a private dinner party. I’m at NOVA 535, getting things up and running, then my 5-Star brother Chris Novilla takes over, so I can join my fellow visionaries, founders, start-ups, dreamers, business owners and Entrepreneurs at our fav Euro bar and restaurant, The Queens Head. I arrived a bit late, and some of our visionaries were in route to becoming double-visionaries.

Follow the Shiny Fork
Follow the Shiny Fork to the Entrepreneur Social Club
Tonight is Thursday, November 9, 2017, and we gather at our Entrepreneur Social Club headquarters, the DTSP historic venue, NOVA 535. We all get sidetracked, in business, in love, and especially after some drinks while we’re being silly. Speaking for my fellow Entrepreneurs, we are ALL overworked, mostly underpaid and certainly ALL need to lower our stress levels. Healthier is Happier, that’s Better, correct? Tonight we discussed how we can, and should be, healthier. And laughter is always on the prescribed medications list. We have so many laughs and good times during our meetings, and especially afterwards at dinner. Even more so during our !!AfterParty!! …though rarely are there any digital documentation and evidence of our !!AfterParties!! Club rules and all that. Just ask Jzon.

Entrepreneurial Tails of Deliciousness
Entrepreneurial Tails of Deliciousness!
Tonight is a lovely Thursday November 2, 2017 here at historic DTSP wedding event and event space NOVA 535. We gather once again for our weekly ESC bid dev (business development for those not in the know) and networking meeting. ESC of course is short for Entrepreneur Social Club ™, gathering every Thursday night, sans Hurricanes and Thanksgivings, since 2009. We connect for laughs, drinks, comradery and stories of success and failures. Tonight we are treated to several Entrepreneurial Tails of Deliciousness! (more…)

Gracious Thank You Gratzzi
Gracious Thank You Gratzzi
It’s Thursday again… tonight, a beautiful October 19, 2017, just 24 hours before my annual Halloween Costume Party, Novaween He11even, begins. Last night my brother Chris, friend and co worker Melissa and I went to Universal Studios Orlando, for Halloween Horror Nights, what a blast. And what a late night; way too much party time! Wow, so much fun! So tonight I’m going to end the meeting early and head to Gratzzi Italian Restaurant about 815 pm, instead of closer to 9:00 pm. A delicious dinner, some laughs and interesting conversations, then a good night’s sleep in preparation for the Madness of Novaween He11even!.

Treated Like Royalty
At The Queens Head we are Always Treated Like Royalty!
A delightfully cooler Thursday October 5, 2017, as we returned to an Entrepreneur Social Club ™ favorite restaurant and bar, The Queens Head. Located at 2501 Central Avenue, in beautiful Downtown St. Pete “DTSP” Florida. Our pal, fellow ESC member and TQH owner Tracy Asalita, all smiles, was warmly welcoming us back. When my historic venue NOVA 535 is booked for private weddings and events, – ya know paying the mortgage and all that – we venture off site for the 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm portion of our weekly meet up. We always do dinner and more drinking after the meeting; tonight we just accelerated that agenda. Tracy is the relatively new owner of the legendary The Queens Head, a DTSP staple for years. We love her, and she and her delightful team make sure everyone gets Treated Like Royalty.

Entrepreneurs Welcome Home Michael S. Novilla
Thursday September 28, 2017, my fellow Entrepreneurs Welcome Home Michael S. Novilla, that’s me, to Downtown St. Pete DTSP historic venue NOVA 535 for our weekly ESC meeting.
Hey! I’m back after almost 3 months of travel, through South America: Guayaquil, Galapagos, Santiago, Valparaiso, Easter Island, Asunción, Foz do Iguaçu, Sao Paulo, Rio, Lima, Cusco, Ollantaytambo, and Machu Picchu. Check out my travel videos… WOW, what an adventure! I met so many incredible Entrepreneurs, and experienced my Bucket List’s Bucket List. Then because of the heat and eventually because of Hurricane Irma, I headed north to Boston, then to Toronto for TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) where I met up with my filmmaker pal Kevin Kincaid, with whom I’m laying the groundwork for a TV show centered around my next project Mom is in Blowing Rock North Carolina, so I was able to spend a week with her in the mountains, then wrapped up my adventures in Atlanta for my best friend and fellow Entrepreneur Drew Edward’s 1st baby, Daphne! Whew! I’m now home here in St. Pete, Florida!

Entrepreneurs make things better for everyone
Hey! It’s Thursday night again, back here in our DTSP venue HQ NOVA 535 for the weekly gathering of the Entrepreneur Social Club (TM). It’s every Thursday night, well except an occasional holiday respite, since 2009. That’s a lot of faces, laughs; oh man, so many laughs. Real long, belly shaking ones that let out the stresses of our working lives. We are the Entrepreneurs, dreamers, business owners, visionaries, mentors, students and start-ups. Those of us who cannot help but to make things better. Smoother, faster, less expensive, more reliable. Or just new. New technologies, new systems, new solutions. That’s us. It certainly isn’t the politician, oh no! In fact club rules EXPRESSLY forbid religion and politics. Because then we all get along, arguing about what’s best, not about what’s just best for me. Entrepreneurs make things better for everyone. Better for all is better for all. Think about that. When things are better, that’s better for EVERYONE. So we take that positive, can do better attitude, for ourselves, our businesses, our customers and for our species, into, through and hopefully well beyond our weekly meetings. This is a time for us to connect, network, regenerate, grow and enjoy. So read on and join us on another ESC adventure!!