A Happier Healthier Entrepreneur Social Club is Subcentral at Iberian Rooster Downtown St. Pete.
Hello Thursday December 21, 2017! Here we are at Subcentral, the cool (literally) underground entertainment section of the Iberian Rooster, located at 475 Central Avenue, Downtown St. Pete. Our HQ, the historic venue NOVA 535, is closed for a private wedding and reception, so we’ve ventured further into DTSP to set-up shop for the evening. I never know who will show up for these off-site (not at NOVA 535) Entrepreneur Social Club ™ meetings. Roger Curlin, the super starter Mr. Johnny Hussle himself is the first to arrive, and is immediately asking how he can be helpful. Great guy! So we rearrange some high top tables and chairs, get my laptop all powered up, find a secure WiFi channel and begin prepping for tonight’s ESC meeting. Let’s see who showed up and what they had to say….
Reilly, Greg, Kym, John and Ron are all smiles above.
The meeting started off as usual, my explaining the rules: No Religion No Politics, No Liars/Bullies/Thieves/Racists; next off to passing our biz cards around, giving our quick intro pitch, and then we dove into the meat of the evening, which tonight included talking about how we can all be healthier.
First though, we discussed how, especially here in Florida, you can never assume who has money and who doesn’t. Our advice is to treat everyone the same, and as you get to know them, ask smart questions to help you understand what products/services may fit them best. Ron Goldstein, the “Beach House Guy” says to ask: “Is this a cash transaction?” Clarifying how your prospect / client may be paying is a good starting point. If they say “yes, I’m paying all cash” then that is quite different than “I’m looking for 100% financing.” Just a starting point here; and my point is to listen more than you talk, ask smart, open ended questions to help you understand what will (and won’t) work for this prospect.
Pictured above are the lovely and talentd ESC ladies; magazine mayven Eileen Brock and photographer Jenna Michael. And below, bottom left, Nick Mazeika explains to tonight’s ESC group how he did a healthy 180 on his diet, after literally dying. Essentially it’s really really simple, you are what you eat. Nick’s healthy, simple, all-natural veggies and meats diet (no carbs, no sugars), has him looking and feeling fantastic. Bravo to you Nick and a thanks to fellow ESC member Dr. Bob Linde for guiding Nick into healthiness!
Debborah Dabaj returns to the ESC, as does our pal, the super motivated networker Eileen Brock, with her new venture ‘Hollywood Coupon Savings Magazine’ (ugg that name…), Leanne Scalli of Earth to Autism, and Kym Ottaviani – who we recommend to read the book How Not to Die, after discussing about how to become healthier. Greg Simek, who does (and sells) powdered protein low carb blends, says that you need to enact the healthy changes within your lifestyle. Paul Constantino, John Pereira Imperio Real Estate and business consultant Nick Mazeika chime in as does Dr. Thomas Quinlan, a Doctor of Clinical Psychology, owner of his St. Pete based Healthy Lifestyles Tampa Bay. We all agree that changes must come internally (from your own mind), and Drs. Q and J are experts at that. Dr. Chris Jackson (“Dr. J.” – Hmm, wonder how is dunk shot is? haha) via his practice ‘A path to Wellness‘ offers healthy tips. Also present tonight, my Canadian Filmmaker pal, Kevin Kincaid, who practices regular meditation and exercise, is visiting from Halifax. What’s up Kev?? Kevin is pictured below with Paul.
** REMINDER that THURSDAY DECEMBER 28, 2017 is our Annual NOVA NOEL Holiday party, JOIN US!! It’s open to the public, no cover charge and ALWAYS SO MUCH FUN!!
Above is Gina Tracy, big Nick Mazeika and Eileen Brock. Gina Tracy designer, owner of imagine root, returned tonight after several months. I called her Tracy, and then was reminded she’s the lady with 2 first names. Whoopsie! Anywho, welcome back Tracy, er Gina! Hahaha! Below, from left to right, is Doug Saylor, Canadian filmmaker Kevin Kincaid, Paul Constantino, Reilly Mulligan, Julia Marie (giving peace sign) Greg Simek (holding menu), Michael Serwer, Gina Tracy, Nick Mazeika, John Pereira (dark hair glasses), Kym Ottaviani, Dr. Q and Debborah Dabaj. Welcome and Happy Holidays!
Julia Marie is testing out her new ‘Mood Paste for your Face”. She needs help with selling her new product, a mood paste for $35, a nice jump from her $5 Facials. Greg Simek, a pro in this space, suggests Daane labs, which can test her paste, nearby in Sarasota. Say whatever you want, he offers, but be careful HOW you say it. Maybe something like ‘Helps promote circulation.’ Once you start making claims you open yourself up to the wide world of lawsuits. No bueno. Pictured below is Dr. Q. (wearing tie) and Doug Saylor of Interstate Orthodontic Lab.
Dr. Thomas G. Quinlan of Healthy Lifestyles of Tampa Bay, wants us to review his new brochure. We do and suggest more pictures, less words, be concise, maybe up to 6 words per point, make your marketing from the POV of the customer. We all like the Bios of the practitioners, suggest to tie in the testimonials as the solutions for the people reading the brochure. What is the core issue that everyone has that you all solve?? People like packets (chunks of information), so Ron suggests checking out Cognitive Solutions (Chicago) they did slick well done marketing for similar solution. Nick offers: how do people think and search for your offerings? ESC group shares: Keywords = clean eating, healthy eating, healthy foods, gut health, healthy habits, good eating, better sleeping habits, best way to diet. Make sure your message is personalized.
Speaking of healthy, check out the grounding videos on YouTube. Makes scientific sense that we go barefoot for some portion of each day, as we humans (should) receive a natural grounding from the earth, and when we don’t (by wearing synthetic shoes, for example) we aren’t as healthy as you should be. So what did we have for dinner tonight, upstairs (ground level) at Iberian Rooster? And who else stopped in to join us….?
With us tonight during our “A Happier Healthier Entrepreneur Social Club is Subcentral at Iberian Rooster Downtown St. Pete” meeting is Derrick Harmel and Roger Curlin III, of ClubSavor.com – which is fantastic! I remembered to use it tonight, unlike at Oyster Bar a few weeks ago, saving me about $20. It’s only $29.95 per MONTH, and you get Get HALF OFF Entrees and Alcohol for You and a Guest, All Day, Every Day. At so many places here locally, and growing… it’s such an easy NO BRAINER.

Here are all the photos from tonight! Let’s thank Jenna Michael for editing them….remember these are taken from my Galaxy Note 5 Smartphone. Happy Holidays!
Remember the ESC is every Thursday night, just click on the EVENTS menu option to find out where; though most always at historic DTSP venue NOVA 535. Keep NOVA 535 in mind for weddings, receptions, film shoots, corporate events. NOVA is the top rated venue in Tampa Bay for so many reasons! Get started here or call 949-873-6682 or email [email protected]. Thanks!