Thursday June 15, 2017 we welcome back #Pioneer #Visionary Cate Colgan to our weekly Entrepreneur Social Club (TM). We’re back at our headquarters, the historic DTSP venue NOVA 535. Cate’s been working, as usual, on the bleeding edge of things. She’s a force of nature, always sniffing out the newest of the new, leading those around her into the future. Back in 2009, Cate appeared and talked me into our first Tweet-Up. Actually it was one of the first anywhere. Tonight she’s got us tuning into the launch of Boardwalk, by Swarm.City. We’ll learn more about Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain. Let’s call tonight’s story “Swarm.City Boardwalk Release for Blockchain Enabled Commerce.” Title, keyword and URL all gotta match up, ya know!
Iberian Rooster

Sunshine Grind Rain Rain Rinse and Repeat
During a week of much needed summer rain showers, we gathered like massive storm clouds once again, at our Entrepreneur Social Club (TM) headquarters, the historic DTSP venue NOVA 535. Our ESC weekly gathering can offer just the “sunlight and rain” we “wilted” business owners and Entrepreneurs need. Needed dearly after our hectic weeks to refresh, learn and grow. Tonight we saw many lovely, new faces, from all different industries, backgrounds and ancestries. Much of the fun and excitement of our gatherings is welcoming new people, with their unique stories, backgrounds and perspectives. Of course dinner, drinks and the afterparty party also offer us a chance to blow off the proverbial steam! So let’s call tonight’s story, from Thursday June 8, 2017, “Sunshine Grind Rain Rain Rinse and Repeat.”

Happy Birthday Dorkstar Dinner at Iberian Rooster
Are you ready for another Entrepreneurial adventure? One with laughs, tears and agony from heartache and loss, positive growth and knowledge, one where an Iberian Rooster is involved, plus mucho mucho high quality Tequila. Then fire up a Jzon-van-oh-my-damn late night alley tour, and fast forward to the end, past the many stops, laughs and hilarious moments we don;t allow on film – for our brains only. We don’t kiss and tell (well, not always). A story where everyone ends up safe and sound. Why? Because we all use UBER, silly! So tonight we’ll title our story: Happy Birthday Dorkstar, Dinner at Iberian Rooster!