2016 12-22 Entrepreneur Social Club at NOVA 535-2

Happy Birthday Dorkstar Dinner at Iberian Rooster

Are you ready for another Entrepreneurial adventure? One with laughs, tears and agony from heartache and loss, positive growth and knowledge, one where an Iberian Rooster is involved, plus mucho mucho high quality Tequila. Then fire up a Jzon-van-oh-my-damn late night alley tour, and fast forward to the end, past the many stops, laughs and hilarious moments we don;t allow on film – for our brains only. We don’t kiss and tell (well, not always). A story where everyone ends up safe and sound. Why? Because we all use UBER, silly! So tonight we’ll title our story: Happy Birthday Dorkstar, Dinner at Iberian Rooster!

As you may be able to tell from our photo below, we work on getting people together here at the Entrepreneur Social Club. Fellow Entrepreneurs, business owners, mentors and startups. We understand that starting and running a business is brutal work, very stressful, challenging and like a marathon. You’ve gotta be in it for the long haul, you MUST be adaptable, learn to listen and get out of your own way if you want to survive and thrive. Well we are here to help, plus we really really REALLY know how to have a good time. Every Thursday since 2009 this is what we do and who we are. So why aren’t YOU here? Excuses or Solutions?!

Tonight, Thursday December 22, 2016 we asked everyone what they were proud of accomplishing in 2016…

2016 12-22 Entrepreneur Social Club at NOVA 535-2

Lisa Youngbloof BestSlideShows.com, pictured below left, shared that she is getting clients from ThumbTack.com. Lisa went thru a divorce and then moved, from a chill lifestyle on the water, she’s now in a much different neighborhood. Learning to be on her own again, a new awaking. Her daughter got a scholarship to Hofestra, congrats!!

Kris Clements, pictured below in middle, loves raising horses, is a R.E. Broker, previously ran a plastic surgery center, and is also a web design. According to Kris (paraphrasing here) ‘This was the hardest year of my life, I lost my son last year, my other son is going blind, and I lost soul mate…‘ Kris needs and deserves our love and support and gratitude for sharing her most difficult of stories. She credits her ‘Small Victories’ book, and keeps a timeline so you recall the Small Victories, that help keep us moving forward. ‘Tap into nature, nature is bigger than my grief.’  Bravo to your strength and courage Kris, we welcome you with open loving arms here at the ESC.

Emily Stein, pictured below in pink, moved to Tampa 2012, is a personal trainer who specializes in flexibility. Check her out at RollForFitness.com We helped guide her to a clear, quick concise pitch: ‘Help People Solve Chronic Pain and Aliments via Body Rolling and advance stretching.’   Chris Jenkins, our resident Tech Guru and CTO of local St. Pete powerhouse Symphony Agency asks, regarding her question about 1,000,000 cups. Chris mentioned that hat they ask “What are you looking for?” Emily replied that she need help getting my business off the ground. And that she is ‘proud of my accomplishments and getting out there (socially) after I lost Grandma last year. Grandma was a Holocaust survivor and my hero.’ After these three ladies shared their stories, not a dry eye remained in the room. Wow!

2016 12-22 Entrepreneur Social Club at NOVA 535-2

Tony of TonyLaPorta.com is our returning Pit Trader, pictured below, who reinvented himself in 2002 and now writes about the market. He’s a guest speaker and has reconnected with a “kid” he mentored, now a mega $$$$ manager, who is now now doing radio show. Julia Marie, also below, with her Organic Face-lift in a Bag, Fruityz.com, was most proud that she rode bike over 5500 miles in St. Pete in 2016. Petal on Julia!!

2016 12-22 Entrepreneur Social Club at NOVA 535-2

Cal Tiger, below in yellow shirt, lives in the tech and cloud computing world. He’s working on Silicon Beach, a high tech networking club. Cal is creating a cloud based platform to send “unhackable” emails. He’s using Block Chain – message encryption – that’s also used in BitCoin. This will be a unique messaging system. Google has end to end encryption, still uses http:// Cal’s system uses SMS (not email) and assigned a URL based messaging system. Similar to WhatsApp and SnapChat.  Cal is proud that after being introduced to the ESC, he when from $5 to $5,000 in the bank in 30 days. Welcome Cal!!

Keith Long, in pink shirt also pictured below, is our Harvard Journalist on Call. Keith (I’m paraphrasing here) “The world is flat so barriers to publishing have been eliminated. I help you professionalize your writing. We all have big ideas, challenges and goals…and it’s really easy to reach out to those people who can make a difference.” When you are even thinking about writing a book, reach out to Keith!

2016 12-22 Entrepreneur Social Club at NOVA 535-2

John Pereira, pictured below with wife Vanessa, of Imperial Real Estate shared ‘treating $$ as a tool was a game changer‘. His lovely wife Vanessa Pereira BigDreamsCredit.com shares that ‘opening her own business‘ was the highlight of 2016. Congrats to you both and best in 2017!

2016 12-22 Entrepreneur Social Club at NOVA 535-2 2016 12-22 Entrepreneur Social Club at NOVA 535-2

Tim Woodworking, pictured below with wife Susan, started working for himself in 1980 and never worked for the man since. Check out his SJHilgerInteriors.com. Tim is also a film maker and photographer. Tim shares ‘I had a close call this year (health) which made me think of gratitude, of the people I’ve met and how they’ve have inspired me. Some of them are gone, and I’m here and still going. I’m thankful for my mentor’s support and guidance when I was young, in the advertising world.  I just celebrating the amazing things we helped people create… I’m just so thankful!!‘. Tim’s delightful wife Susan Hilger, started interior design, via Green Market Girl. She re-purposes wood from Tim to create jewelry and other gorgeous accessories. She is also a life coach, found at SusanJCoaching.com. I suggested she should meet the people who run http://www.funktionhouse.com at 562 25th Street South, St. Petersburg. Chris Jenkins suggested they connect with CreativePinellas.org . Tim and Susan learned to “chase the right here right now.”  They Found ESC on the nextdoor.com and we are most glad they  did. Welcome!!

2016 12-22 Entrepreneur Social Club at NOVA 535-2

Keevy McAlavy, below, founder of  bluecyp.com payroll company, was most proud of raising his son Orion. Yes like the star. Bravo Superdad! Ray Milton, our favorite vegan chef, of Ray’s Vegan Soul,  catered Keevy’s wedding.

2016 12-22 Entrepreneur Social Club at NOVA 535-2 2016 12-22 Entrepreneur Social Club at NOVA 535-2

Kym Jenkins, pictured below in front of column just above my head, with theFlavorCrate.com  was busy launching her new business, and enjoyed lots of positive changes in 2016. Her hubby Chris Jenkins TheSymphoniAgency.com, picture two to he left of Kym in red shirt, holding a drink, traveled to Mexico and Port Orange. He discussed the push from $10 to $10K and the step from $10K to $100k and so on.. The commitment continues, you must keep pushing to continue to successfully grow your company. Chris quipped that the ESC is “a drinking support group for business owners.’ HAHA!

Krystle Pinzker, Happy Birthday Dorkstar – yup it’s her Birthday, she’s kinda hidden in the back in green and black shirt. Her growing company FlurentBookkeeping.com was something to be most proud of. She went to Kalamazoo to visit her sisters and caught her very first fish. She mentioned the Cheddar network, found via Sling TV App. Cheddar showcases innovative products and interviews. Thanks KP and again Happy Birthday!


2016 12-22 Entrepreneur Social Club at NOVA 535-2 Happy Birthday Dorkstar2016 12-22 Entrepreneur Social Club at NOVA 535-2

Me? I’m thankful and proud of all the the improvements we’ve made at NOVA 535, the world-class wedding and event venue that double as the ESC HQ. Plus I got to travel to 8 new countries, check out my TRAVEL STORIES, and that I am healthy (I eat and use all natural products), and I’m surrounded with so many amazing friends and fellow Entrepreneurs!

2016 12-22 Entrepreneur Social Club at NOVA 535-2

PS What about dinner tonight? We tried out the new Iberian Rooster, located where Moscato’s used to be, at 475 Central Avenue Downtown St. Pete. The building and space is great, the food ranged from good to excellent. They do have kinks to work out (almost typed bugs, but that works for software, not for a restaurant). How can they improve? Music that fits the restaurant, seating near the bar area needs to be properly sized by raising the “cocktail tables”. They need to polish up the serving but that should come with practice. I left my contact info with the hostess to give to the owner, as the ESC was FOUNDED to HELP OTHER BUSINESSES improve and evolve. Hopefully they will.

Here’s a quick little video of our dining…and then reminder that all photos are banned after 10 pm. Good thing cause we had a birthday girl, Krystle (Happy Birthday Dorkstar!!) Pinzker FluentBookkeeping.com, she’s pretty awesome. So we “ran into” Mr. Trouble Himself Jzon, and everything slipped into the madness! One bar, drink, shot (bottle of really nice Tequila, and well that’s why we go all Sargent Schultz after 10 pm. Club Rules.) and alley tour at a time. Better hydrate, what a night!! Happy Birthday Dorkstar!



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