Tonight Thursday May 26, 2016 we decided to stay at historic event venue NOVA 535 for our post meeting dinner and drinks so we could watch our local hockey team, the Tampa Bay Lightning, play in game 7 of the Stanley Cup semifinals against the Pittsburgh Penguins. Hence the title Hot Pucks and Cold Fish. This was a smart suggestion made by Nick Mazeika (Business Consulting and NOVA 535 Sales) in our weekly meeting with Chris Jenkins (I’m Their Web Guy and CTO Symphoni Media), so we were sure we’d have plenty of space and be able to watch or schmooze or both, right here in the comfort of our NOVAverse. We love frequenting the many fabulous restaurants, cafes and nightlife options here in Downtown St. Pete, aka DTSP, but it’s also nice not to have to drive anywhere. You all are welcome for the extra 20 minutes and free parking!
We are ordering out from Sushi Inc, where we recently visited for the first time after our May 5th, 2016 ESC meeting.
Sushi Inc is at 270 1st Ave N, Downtown St. Petersburg, FL 33701 (727) 800-9977
Sushi was delicious, certainly not just cold fish. Unfortunately the lightning lost, their pucks not hot enough. Here’s to a great, yet sadly incomplete, season with the Tampa Bay Lightning. So close yet, just not enough. Anyhoo….it’s a packed house tonight here at NOVA 535 for our ESC meeting, going stronger than ever since 2009!
Above on left, smiling, is Emmanuel Roux of GateauOChocolat, who makes amazing gluten free, flourless and DELICIOUS chocolate cakes! Mmmm!!
Sherman a Global Investor of real estate and films, found us via the St. Pete Chamber, as did Wes Searer (below) of Best in Class SEO. Welcome gents!!
Wants and Needs:
Someone wanted local promotional items and JB Effects was suggested.
Chris Jenkins, below in black shirt with beautiful pony tail next to fabulous wifey Kym Jenkins of V Spicery, is looking for a designer and jr developer, in PHP, java, mysql. Chris is the CTO for Symphoni Group.

Gina Tracy (below) has has 600 sq ft rental to artist $450 + 1/4 utilities

Candyman – a newcomer, is a really nice guy with a super confusion about what he is / want’s to be doing. Our Notes from talking with him: wants a private label for chocolate and fashion apparel. I sell candy to everyone….I have a lifestyle brand. I like being out and social. I’m good at using google analytics, helping enterprise companies with tech solutions or grass root campaigns. Where do you get your candy from (we asked)? Previously I made it.
Quick “Clean-up” Results for Candy Man (middle left, with “TB” hat, white undershirt) “I love and support my singing by selling candy to my fans, until my singing pays for itself. People who love my singing support me by buying my candy….hmmm… I sell candy to my fans who love my music….Fans buy my candy to support me and my music….that’s getting so much clear. His card font was so tiny no one could read. I’m confident that Candy Man, a really smart and talented guy, will make the necessary improvement in his card, pitch and strategy. Focus Candy Man, focus!! =D
Sherman Bryan (below purple shirt), finance broker in the real estate and film business, is thinking he wants to import wine…advice is to avoid, too much supply vs demand.

Above is Sara MacQueen of Big Fish Mobile, Cynthia Bloss of On Task Concierge, Jim Patterson FB-Host, newcomer Wes Searer of Best in Class SEO and Christine Fasan K9 Holistics.
Business Cards – we review and are HONEST with our feedback. We WANT YOU to have an excellent business card.
#1 Hire a designer
#2 Less is more
#3 Consistent naming: URL, email and company name
#4 What (solution for your customer) resonates through all your services?
Firing Clients:
It’s got to be either FUN or Wildly Profitable, especially for those non-fit clients.

ZEN and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Profit First and Pumpkin Plan – Mike Michalowicz
Judge Thomas Troward –

Above is Jeff of Anytime Concierge and below is Ricardo Duval of Red Polar (film) Studios

Yup, we’re like a big family, one with ALL kinds of siblings. One that works well by prohibiting religion and politics, liars bullies and thieves. One that focuses on FUN and PRODUCTIVITY. On laughter, mentoring, helping, sharing, and doing plenty of good, smart, honest business. Making high quality lives, products and solutions. Join us, whether you are a start-up, student or bazillionaire, we’ll bust your chops and make you laugh, learn, grown and so much more. Welcome to the Entrepreneur Social Club, every Thursday Night 6-8:30 pm, most always at DTSP venue NOVA 535, plus dinner and more tomfoolery and drinks immediately following each meeting. See you Thursday Nights!!
PS No cold fish here…the sushi WAS delicious!
Pssst: Still here? So I ask members to add their emails to a list, making it easier for me to recall attendance plus email everyone this blog link. There are always some fake funny ones, tonight’s were:, [email protected] and [email protected]. Gotta love us Entrepreneurs!