Foundations for a Successful Business can be found at the Entrepreneur Social Club at wedding and event venue NOVA 535 downtown St. Pete DTSP

The Foundations of a Successful Business

Foundations of a Successful Business. May 5, 2016. Entrepreneur Social Club.

Many people start something, print business cards and think they are on their way to success. HOLD YOUR HORSES. Starting and growing a SUCCESSFUL business takes a whole lot of smart planning, tons of hard work, patience and good listening skills, plus some good luck along the way. So let’s start at the beginning.

Why are you starting this business?  Read the Book Start with the WhyWhat problem are you solving? Find a niche, one that is focused on the customer (the demand) that you are solving the issue for. Go after and master a specific niche. Make sure that enough people are ready, willing and able to pay you for your solution.

Naming your business. is an example of a great name. Is your name clear? Does it describe what you do? Is it searchable?

Be consistent with your name, using the exact same name everywhere – website, social media and email.  Business Cards are to be created by a seasoned PROFESSIONAL designer.

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Social Media is important, yes – however Word of Mouth still is number one.  Recap: Why? What problem are you solving? Will enough people pay you for your solution? Naming and consistency are critical. To find out more, join the ESC any / every Thursday night right here in Downtown St. Pete aka DTSP almost always at historic event venue NOVA 535.  Also don’t forget to set up your (advisory) team: Accounting? Legal? Business Consulting? What are the unknown unknowns? ASk for Help. Tell me what you know. The curse of known THE ART OF LISTENING.

Before we dig deeper into the adventures and shenanigans of the Entrepreneur Social Club here on May 5, 2016 aka Cinco de Mayo, let’s thank Daniel of 4U-Fitness for the all natural, delicious Hungarian Liqueur

Entrepreneur Social Club in Downtown St. Pete DTSP at venue NOVA 535 - Fo2016 05-05 ESC-NOVA535-Sushi-Inc-Rubys-Elixir-DTSP-10

Tonight here’s the roll call:

Christine Fasan, I Speak Dog, a great name that wasn’t available, so we helped her find

LASH of Lash World Tour, recently back from Lash!!

Daniel flyer review – print font too small, focus on YOU (not WE) as it’s about solving something for the prospect

Double your Results in 1/2 the Time  – people don’t believe the results – prove it to to the naysayers. Have you considered working with Chiropractic, rehab and physical therapists?

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Sarah Guest and Ben Guest, owner of Cyberlicious, which offers Brilliant Integration of Design & Usability in a Digitally Mediated Environment. Great seeing you Ben and Sarah! Big Nick Mazeika, sales and consulting for NOVA 535 Unique Event Space. Brian O’Donnell of and Dan Novello CPA, welcome back gents!

Julia welcome back Julia, get a proof reader and professional designer for your business cards – let the group proof BEFORE you send to printer.

Welcome newcomer Elizabeth Morales, who is creating her Business of helping people Unclutter their Lives. (GROUP – Stream of Consciousness) Moving out? Moving In? I unmess your house. I can organize your home where it makes sense. Moving Coach. What is your home not selling? Because its a FUCKING MESS! Hate Stress? Hate Clutter? Christine suggests and

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Nancy Walsh (bottom right) There is a CEO in Everyone Focus on You Strategy, welcome back and welcome to newcomer Ricardo Duval Red Polar Studios a Full service production studio from concept to content (upper middle, light blue with pink stripes, just left of Chris Jenkins).  Chris Jenkins the CIO of Symphoni Media Group along with super-wifey Kym Jenkins of  V Spicery, in the house tonight. Henry Steffes Jr LMT Natural Healing Arts, welcome back Henry (top right)! Nice improvement on your pitch tonight, bravo! Julie Kovich – Bookkeeper / Organizer Extraordinaire – welcome back! Christina Fasan (far left, chair pulled out)- I speak Dog K9 Holistics, hilarious and sarcastic as ever. We pointed out that her “I Speak Dog” is great should be her business name – but it’s taken. So we dug into Godaddy and found and our pal, Mr Cool himself Claudio Ceron – Financial Consultant Fidelity “I speak Stocks and Bonds.” (bottom left, blue tie, arms folded)

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Jim Patterson of Jet Tech 360 was back…we enjoyed the live music and 20 year old port at Ruby’s until LATE – no photos allowed after 10 pm, club rules (haha)

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Remember that this (above) can lead to this (below). =D Taking photos of our group is always hilarious, some members (Ray, Jenkins) don’t enjoy the photo taking process, though I imagine that everyone loves checking themselves out the next day.

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DINNER at DINNER at SUSHI INC  270 1st Ave N, Downtown St. Petersburg, FL 33701 (727) 800-9977, and it was DELICIOUS!

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Above is my pal Ken Apperson, posing nicely (after a bit of direction by yours truly), he’s a singer / musician and was delighting the crowd here at Sushi Inc, THANKS KEN!

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The sushi tonight was fresh, delicious and the service warm and attentive. Bravo to Sushi Inc!!

Below left to right Rachani, Michael Novilla, Julie Haddad, Nick Mazeika, Claudio Ceron, Sarah Guest and Henry ten across the table newcomer XX, Daniel, Guest Dan Novello CPA, Kym and finally Chris Jenkins with the great pony tail. 2016 05-05 ESC-NOVA535-Sushi-Inc-Rubys-Elixir-DTSP-24 2016 05-05 ESC-NOVA535-Sushi-Inc-Rubys-Elixir-DTSP-25

We missed our pal Emmanuel Roux, creator of the delicious and healthy, so tasty!! They make great Mother’s Day gifts – hint hint.

Also I missed a late night text from Jzon Livingston, who is jumping into the Public Speaking world, speaking to those also afflicted with MS. He’s offering Messages of Encouragement, Enlightenment and Hope. Plus he’s just so damn cool!

Join us any / every Thursday Night for the Entrepreneur Social Club right here in DTSP. Our lovely bartender Vanessa awaits you here…along with the Foundations of a Successful Business.

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PS Of course we ended up at Ruby’s Elixir, for the Best Live Jazz in DTSP. Thanks to our fabulous waitresses Linda, Ashley and the Lustrous (full of luster) Jessica!

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