Mutant ESCape. Huh? It’s another gorgeous Thursday evening, December 14th, the year 2017 almost at its finale. We weary and overworked small business owners and Entrepreneurs, gather here, once again at our HQ, the historic DTSP wedding venue and event space NOVA 535. This is our ritual, the night we recharge, blow of steam, vent, laugh, cry and share our tales of success and failures. Gathering again for our weekly ESC meeting of biz dev (business development for those not in the know) networking and schmoozing. ESC is quick speak for Entrepreneur Social Club ™. ESC can also be short code for ESCape. Analog or Digital ESCape. Like that necessary evil of a button on the top left of your keyboard. The one we pound on often to stop an impending mistake, or to return us back to where we started.

Offsite at The Queens Head DTSP
Entrepreneur Social Club is Offsite at The Queens Head DTSP
Tonight is Thursday, November 9, 2017, and we gather at one of our favorite DTSP locations, the Queens Head DTSP. Our Entrepreneur Social Club HQ, historic venue NOVA 535, is booked for a private dinner party. I’m at NOVA 535, getting things up and running, then my 5-Star brother Chris Novilla takes over, so I can join my fellow visionaries, founders, start-ups, dreamers, business owners and Entrepreneurs at our fav Euro bar and restaurant, The Queens Head. I arrived a bit late, and some of our visionaries were in route to becoming double-visionaries.

Follow the Shiny Fork
Follow the Shiny Fork to the Entrepreneur Social Club
Tonight is Thursday, November 9, 2017, and we gather at our Entrepreneur Social Club headquarters, the DTSP historic venue, NOVA 535. We all get sidetracked, in business, in love, and especially after some drinks while we’re being silly. Speaking for my fellow Entrepreneurs, we are ALL overworked, mostly underpaid and certainly ALL need to lower our stress levels. Healthier is Happier, that’s Better, correct? Tonight we discussed how we can, and should be, healthier. And laughter is always on the prescribed medications list. We have so many laughs and good times during our meetings, and especially afterwards at dinner. Even more so during our !!AfterParty!! …though rarely are there any digital documentation and evidence of our !!AfterParties!! Club rules and all that. Just ask Jzon.

Entrepreneurial Tails of Deliciousness
Entrepreneurial Tails of Deliciousness!
Tonight is a lovely Thursday November 2, 2017 here at historic DTSP wedding event and event space NOVA 535. We gather once again for our weekly ESC bid dev (business development for those not in the know) and networking meeting. ESC of course is short for Entrepreneur Social Club ™, gathering every Thursday night, sans Hurricanes and Thanksgivings, since 2009. We connect for laughs, drinks, comradery and stories of success and failures. Tonight we are treated to several Entrepreneurial Tails of Deliciousness! (more…)

Strangers Becoming Friends, Friends Becoming Family
Strangers Becoming Friends, Friends Becoming Family
It’s a beautiful Thursday night, October 26, 2017, in my favorite city on earth, St. Petersburg, Florida. Here at my world-class wedding and event space NOVA 535, the HQ for the ESC.
I’m reminded each Thursday night during my Entrepreneur Social Club ™, of how much of a family of friends we’ve become. There are always new faces each week, of every shape, size, from every industry and ancestry. Those smart/wise enough to hang around eventually become family. Our Family. Of Entrepreneurs. Small Business owners, visionaries, “misfits”; those who are the round hole to a world of square pegs. And square we most certainly are not. Shown here is just one wonderful chunk of our family, Tony Michaelides with Chris Jenkins, Bill Cason and Kym Jenkins. Oh the laughs and moments we’ve shared over the years. So many magical moments, all because of ESC. (more…)

Gracious Thank You Gratzzi
Gracious Thank You Gratzzi
It’s Thursday again… tonight, a beautiful October 19, 2017, just 24 hours before my annual Halloween Costume Party, Novaween He11even, begins. Last night my brother Chris, friend and co worker Melissa and I went to Universal Studios Orlando, for Halloween Horror Nights, what a blast. And what a late night; way too much party time! Wow, so much fun! So tonight I’m going to end the meeting early and head to Gratzzi Italian Restaurant about 815 pm, instead of closer to 9:00 pm. A delicious dinner, some laughs and interesting conversations, then a good night’s sleep in preparation for the Madness of Novaween He11even!.

Oyster Dinner Provides Pearls of Wisdom
Oyster Dinner Provides Pearls of Wisdom for the Entrepreneur Social Club, on this lovely Thursday night, October 12, 2017. We return to our HQ, the historic DTSP venue NOVA 535, located in beautiful downtown St. Pete, Florida. Another lively and packed house, fellow business owners and Entrepreneurs eagerly gathering to connect, to share and mentor, to enjoy blowing off some steam. And don’t forget another delicious dinner, plenty of drinks and lots of laughter. Let’s see what tomfoolery we got ourselves into this week, and what Pearls of Wisdom we can recall the next morning!

Swarm.City Boardwalk Release for Blockchain Enabled Commerce
Thursday June 15, 2017 we welcome back #Pioneer #Visionary Cate Colgan to our weekly Entrepreneur Social Club (TM). We’re back at our headquarters, the historic DTSP venue NOVA 535. Cate’s been working, as usual, on the bleeding edge of things. She’s a force of nature, always sniffing out the newest of the new, leading those around her into the future. Back in 2009, Cate appeared and talked me into our first Tweet-Up. Actually it was one of the first anywhere. Tonight she’s got us tuning into the launch of Boardwalk, by Swarm.City. We’ll learn more about Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain. Let’s call tonight’s story “Swarm.City Boardwalk Release for Blockchain Enabled Commerce.” Title, keyword and URL all gotta match up, ya know!

Things Hotels Gotta Get Right
No means No! Not ‘Maybe’, nor ‘Sometimes’. It means NO!! Please. PLEASE! This hotel has gotta get it right. Please!! Please hotel peoples, listen here to things hotels gotta get right. That little sign you hang on your door must be very clear. I love the RED for “leave me the F alone!” and GREEN for “yes please come and tidy up my messes.” Excellent hotels get this concept, like those in Japan and the Kimpton chain, for example. Others the maids may be banging on your door just to piss you off. Because we know they are way overpaid (sarcasm alert!) for that (mostly) thankless and difficult job. See I owned, before the great crash, 100 apartments, and let me tell you, I’ve done PLENTY of cleaning. Down to the bone clean. So here’s a big

Sunshine Grind Rain Rain Rinse and Repeat
During a week of much needed summer rain showers, we gathered like massive storm clouds once again, at our Entrepreneur Social Club (TM) headquarters, the historic DTSP venue NOVA 535. Our ESC weekly gathering can offer just the “sunlight and rain” we “wilted” business owners and Entrepreneurs need. Needed dearly after our hectic weeks to refresh, learn and grow. Tonight we saw many lovely, new faces, from all different industries, backgrounds and ancestries. Much of the fun and excitement of our gatherings is welcoming new people, with their unique stories, backgrounds and perspectives. Of course dinner, drinks and the afterparty party also offer us a chance to blow off the proverbial steam! So let’s call tonight’s story, from Thursday June 8, 2017, “Sunshine Grind Rain Rain Rinse and Repeat.”