Double Bubble with the Entrepreneur Social Club

Double Bubble

We all (should) know that a recession is coming. Not if, when, and just how deep and nasty will it be? We are looking forward, doing our best to grow sustainably, to be ready willing and able to weather this next economic downtown. Tonight, Thursday, May 23, 2019, we spend some quality time during our weekly Entrepreneur Social Club [tm] discussing the Double Bubble. The Double Bubble we refer to is not from the infamous bubblelicious gum that I chewed the hell out of when I was a teen, in fact, no more gum for me at all. Mostly because it’s plastic and poison, a definite lose-lose. That Double Bubbe was that rare moment when you blew a larger outer bubble then a smaller bubble inside of your first bubble. Hence the Doube Bubble. As Roger Curlin III, our resident restaurant guru describes, the Double Bubbe of the overbuilt local restaurant industry and the impact of the forthcoming recession will be providing a much much less friendly version. I hope we are all ready, though I know we are for tonight’s fun and productive time spent together. So let’s get things rolling!

Above our logistics pal, Joe Miller shares a great smile with Elizabeth Olguin, while my longtime friend, non-profit consultant Jennifer Silva, and new-ish member, Allison Granell offer us all a welcoming toast! Cheers! Compe Nastarova!

Pictured above is newcomers Jacklyn Crisanti owner of the JDC Experience, wearing blue and teal, an event planner who is working on a database of event vendors. Tina Brown, aka T.M. Brown, started journaling years ago, then published her first book which did way better than she ever hoped or dreamed, and is now the author of several books. Her books include A Life Not My Own, Struggles of the Women Folk, Tethered Angel and Another Bump in the Road. Finally is our favorite powerful purple people motivator, business life coach, Niajae. Bravo and welcome ladies, thank you all for sharing your awesomeness with us tonight! 

Above is our newest published author Chihu who smiles with newcomer Chris Carmichael of First Leaf Farm, sitting next to our lovely Hat-a-Tude founder Kathi Harris. Kathi Harris mentioned that on June 23, 2019, the USPS is changing its shipping dimensions from 194 to 166 for anything over 1 cubic foot, that’s when using USPS ground, and that price increase has her frustrated. We ALL agreed that she should both raise the prices of her lovely CUSTOM Derby Hats, and make the price all inclusive. Free shipping needs to be included INSIDE the price of her beautiful hats. 

Dinner tonight was at Oyster Bar located at 249 Central Avenue Downtown St. Pete. Love seeing Jzon Livingston slipping in just in time for this quick photo capture. Yo!


Chad Rogers found us via my bestie, Mr. Amazing himself, T$, aka Drew Edwards. Chad and I offer our hang-loose poses, while we dine and get to know each other better. Chad is CEO of Windmar solar company, that provides solar power to residential and commercial projects. Solar is a smart business, please talk to Chad. Our always smiling and positive Lynette Gryniak frames newcomer Fred Rowe, who is making funny faces at my suggestion.

Fred is retired, in from Atlanta, and here tonight via Word of mouth. He was a chemical engineer before retiring to sailing the world. Nice!! Fred is now into photography, welcome Fred! Jennifer Colacicco also in the clowning mode, is a real estate wholesaler, and ESC first-timer tonight. Jennifer was a graphic designer for a long time, but her love for real estate blossomed after attending a seminar. She finds problem properties, helps the unhappy owner unload them, by finding the buyer and then assigning the contract. She never actually owns them, just acts as a connector, smart lady. 

Kathleen Seide (wearing hot pink) suggests an open house tour of homes for sale by bicycle in the HISTORIC KENWOOD area. We all love bike riding, except in the excessive heat. Roger and Chihu join Kathleen above, all 3 posing with their unique, fantastic smiles! Well, 4 fantastic smiles looking at the far end to our sharp dressed (in teal) Paul Menegazzi.

Roger Curlin share his restaurant and hospitality wisdom with us tonight, calling it the (looming) DOUBLE BUBBLE (of trouble), the overbuild of restaurants (by 30% he says, ouch!) and the upcoming recession.

LOOK AT YOUR INDUSTRY and forecast BEFORE you get there: 
() It’s ok to raise prices for the businesses that are producing high-quality goods and services.
() Those businesses need 2 things to survive:
(()) Your customer must have a good experience with YOU.
(()) Collaborations can help you to survive when the recession comes in next 12-18 months.

Roger is hosting a class “Thriving in Any Economy” on June 13, 2019, from 2:00 pm -4:00 pm and again from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at St. Pete Greenhouse.
Things are changing, that’s the known constant, and so ALL our businesses must adapt.
() Our local hospitality industry is about 30% overbuilt, in the number of total restaurants in St Pete, with average % profit in Florida is only 3%. 
() Overall the national average of restaurants are 55% nationally owned and 45%, independents.
() Food delivery is ubiquitous, so now restaurants are not only competing with 10-20 restaurants nearby, they are now also competing with 400 restaurants in their delivery area.
() The new generation of food delivery + Netflix is seen as BETTER than going out for dinner.
() Blockbuster evolved into Netflix. Big travel companies evolved into Airbnb and some boutique travel companies. Taxis evolving into uber and ride share options.
() You must evolve or die. Ask Kodak and Blockbuster Video.  

Fred, Jennifer Colacicco, Lynette and Drake Decker, of Florida Suncoast Tourism Promotions, post for a photo. Drake’s company offers tourism advertising, for the last 33 years, to the big players here in Tampa Bay, including The DALI and Busch Gardens. Welcome!

After dinner we swung by Ruby’s Elixer located at 15 3rd Street North, Downtown St. Pete, for some cocktails and fantastic jazz, always a delight. We hung with our sultry Jazz star Gloria Westand supported her cause with our purchase of a couple of newly pressed, red Vinyl LPs. You can too, just click here.

Gloria West and the Gents Red Vinyl LP

Our after, after party was held at the swanky Room 901, located at 901 1st Avenue South Downtown St. Pete. Sorry, no action photos after 10 pm. Thanks to superstar bartender Bruce, Cheers!

MIchael Scott Novilla in Tbilisi

So who am I anyway? I’m Globetrotting Entrepreneur Michael Scott Novilla, founder of the Entrepreneur Social Club [tm], a fun loving guy who loves helping other Entrepreneurs. While I am home in St. Petersburg, Florida, I host a Thursday night gathering, usually at my 1920 built venue NOVA 535. Soon my wild and crazy life story plus step-by-step guide book will be published.  Buy a copy and aside from lots of laughs, you’ll be able to throw your own 5-star parties, weddings, and events. It’s 5 AM Go Home shows you exactly how to throw parties so good your guests won’t want to leave.

Hugs to our favorite, lovely and talented bartender Vanessa Baker for hydrating us properly. 

Thursday 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm:
May 30 at NOVA 535
June 06 at NOVA 535
June 13 at NOVA 535 
…then dinner and more drinks immediately following…join us anytime! Like what Jzon and Sheri like to do. 

=== HERE ARE ALL OUR 05-23-2019 PHOTOS ===

** YES WE CAN!! ** at NOVA 535, where we make weddings, parties, and events so easy for you, with No Limits and No Stress, just 5-Star results!

Sparkler Exit through historic downtown St. Pete venue NOVA 535

Please keep NOVA 535 in mind for your weddings, receptions, film shoots, corporate holiday parties, celebrations, and unique events! We make it so easy for you, with No Limits and No Stress, just our 5-Star results! You can Get Started or email [email protected]. Thank you!