After my mind-blowing, epic 416 days of travel around the globe, I still wake up each day, to the exact same question. So where am I? It’s surreal, exhilarating and momentarily befuddling; then my home bedroom wall comes into focus. Yes, OK, no packing today. I’m back in my hometown, beautiful Downtown St. Pete, Florida. Unsurprisingly, I haven’t found any edges to our globe yet, even after adding all these stops to my globetrotting list…
key person of influence

416 Days Later Globetrotter Michael Scott Novilla Returns Home
Hello to my fellow Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Dreamers, Start-Ups and Positive Folks, it’s Michael Scott Novilla, the founder of the Entrepreneur Social Club [tm], returning home from an epic 416-day world tour. Our resident Tech Guru Chris Jenkins managed and hosted the St. Pete, Florida chapter of the ESC while I was away, he is most deserving of and certainly get’s my deepest appreciation and gratitude. THANK YOU CHRIS!!

Happy EntrepreNEWerial New Year
Happy EntrepreNEWerial New Year from the Entrepreneur Social Club! We’ve Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Dreamers, Start-Ups and Positive Folks gathered here at historic DTSP venue NOVA 535, on a beautiful Thursday January 4, 2018. For our weekly evening of networking, schmoozing, business development, mentoring, laughter, business card reviewinf and so much more! It’s typically the highlight of the week for many of us, for the camaraderie, the imparted wisdom, the hugs, smiles and laughter; plus if you hang around long enough, you may be an #afterparty #falloutvictum. More, or not, about that later…

Offsite at The Queens Head DTSP
Entrepreneur Social Club is Offsite at The Queens Head DTSP
Tonight is Thursday, November 9, 2017, and we gather at one of our favorite DTSP locations, the Queens Head DTSP. Our Entrepreneur Social Club HQ, historic venue NOVA 535, is booked for a private dinner party. I’m at NOVA 535, getting things up and running, then my 5-Star brother Chris Novilla takes over, so I can join my fellow visionaries, founders, start-ups, dreamers, business owners and Entrepreneurs at our fav Euro bar and restaurant, The Queens Head. I arrived a bit late, and some of our visionaries were in route to becoming double-visionaries.

Follow the Shiny Fork
Follow the Shiny Fork to the Entrepreneur Social Club
Tonight is Thursday, November 9, 2017, and we gather at our Entrepreneur Social Club headquarters, the DTSP historic venue, NOVA 535. We all get sidetracked, in business, in love, and especially after some drinks while we’re being silly. Speaking for my fellow Entrepreneurs, we are ALL overworked, mostly underpaid and certainly ALL need to lower our stress levels. Healthier is Happier, that’s Better, correct? Tonight we discussed how we can, and should be, healthier. And laughter is always on the prescribed medications list. We have so many laughs and good times during our meetings, and especially afterwards at dinner. Even more so during our !!AfterParty!! …though rarely are there any digital documentation and evidence of our !!AfterParties!! Club rules and all that. Just ask Jzon.
Entrepreneurial Pet Peeves
Entrepreneurial Pet Peeves
Thursday February 23, 2017, another gorgeous “winter” night here in sunny Downtown St. Pete, Florida. Oh how “terrible” our winters are here. Burr!! Ahahhahaa!! Tonight we gather, as we do every Thursday since 2009 for our weekly Entrepreneur Social Club meeting, then dinner and more drinks. A table full of Entrepreneurs, Students, Startups, Mentors and more… who will all air out our Entrepreneurial Pet Peeves tonight!

Octopus Bacon and Boats you Just Cannot Flip
Octopus Bacon and Boats you Just Cannot Flip
Tonight is a spectacularly gorgeous “winter” evening, another near perfect Thursday here in sunny St. Pete, Florida. I’m gearing up for our weekly Entrepreneur Social Club, HQed at my historic wedding and event venue NOVA 535, which happens to be turning 9 years old today! Happy Birthday to Team NOVA!! So much love, passion, tears, hard work, sweat and real $$ equity went into building NOVA 535 out of the ‘ashes’ of a doggie day care and out of about 80 years of bad design decisions. I purchased 535 in the fall of 2005 and we opened February 8, 2009. Wow how time flies! And how tonight we discover and enjoy Octopus Bacon and Boats you Just Cannot Flip!

Our Successes are Shaken and Stirred
Shaken and Stirred. Red or White? Domestic or Imported? Tonight, Thursday January 26, 2017, as our delightful bartender Vanessa enjoys some sin city with her friends, I add to my roles that of Bartender. Luckily, not the first or even 100th time, so we’re in good shape. Not as good when she is around (don’t leave us Vanessa!) but we’ll survive! And yes Art, you can have another Vodka and Soda, just let me put my camera down!

2016 Accomplishments We Are Most Proud Of
As I was wrapping up a pre-ESC business meeting, Shaun Rubrecht, who left 15 months ago on a 30 day trip to Thailand, yup you read that correctly, walked back into the club. Wowzers! Shaun, seated below front left in purple dress shirt, caught the “4-Hour Work Week” bug – if you haven’t read it yet, do so. Also read Entrepreneur Revolution by Daniel Priestly. It is another great book to frame how we Entrepreneurs think and act. Welcome back brother!! Tonight’s (December 1, 2016) theme is “2016 Accomplishments We Are Most Proud Of”. So let’s jump right into the Entrepreneur Social Club hosted again here at HQ – DTSP historic venue NOVA 535.

Where Science meets Science Fiction
Tonight June 3, 2016, here in downtown St. Petersburg, Florida at the award-winning, historic venue, NOVA 535 Unique Event Space, we gather once again to enjoy, celebrate, network, schmooze, teach, learn, and blow off steam. Who are we? We are the Entrepreneur Social Club, aka the ESC. We are the risk takers, the dreamers, the inventors, and the doers. Where is the place where science meets Science Fiction? Read on and find out!