This week was a change of pace for Entrepreneur Social Club as we opted to focus a bit more on the “social” aspect of the night. The group met at historic downtown St. Pete (DTSP) venue Nova 535 for drinks and social hour before heading over to one of DTSP’s finest dining and wine spots, Brick & Mortar. This allowed an opportunity for each of our members to feel more relaxed and open as we got to know one another a little bit better.

A number of newcomers were in attendance this week and were quickly welcomed into some lively and entertaining conversation with our regulars. Founder Michael S. Novilla hopped around the venue adding touch-ups to the décor for Nova’s big annual Halloween party, Novaween. [PS a BIG THANK YOU to Jeff Sassano and Kathi Harris for their super support and help with Novaween 10!!]
Julia from Fruityz Organic Beauty, spent some time with global entertainer and newcomer Sheldon from Julia was sharing some insightful nutritional information associated with her $5 organic plant-based facial products. She spoke passionately of the experiences that got her to pursuing her businesses as well as the trials and triumphs that have come to her along the way of her journey, and she even gave some of her secrets to success in researching and continuously education herself on the vital scientific info behind her products. She was positively energetic as always, so the conversation certainly had no lulls!

We also met Tanesha Bryan (below right), a first-timer to the group who was brought by her father (left middle) Sherman Bryan. Her enthusiasm for sharing about her fashion products at MT_Accessories was immediately obvious and speaking with her about her brand was a joy for all who had the pleasure of spending time with her. Members were intrigued to hear about her upcoming fashion show at Station House in downtown St. Petersburg, and by the end of the night it seems as though she was even able to recruit a model for the show, as well as make some valuable connections for her business! It’s safe to say her first week with the group was a success. Also below is newcomer Jon Landers, with TBAIMS, “Connecting Through Music” and NOVA 535’s new neighbor and Code Enigma St. Pete owner Jorge Rosario. Check out his amazing Game Puzzle Room!
Daniel of 4U-Fitness and Kym Jenkins The Flavor Crate

Overall, while the group may not have had the structure it’s accustomed to having in the meetings, the much more laid back and fun approach to this week’s meeting was still visibly valuable and enjoyable for each member. Brands were shared, connections were made, and laughter was had! Cheers to another great success for the Entrepreneur Social Club “meeting”. Then, as we always do, everyone met DTSP for dinner, once again at 5th and Central Avenue, Brick and Mortar. Well for dinner AND Tom Foolery!

A heartwarming welcome back to an original early ESC member, Johnny Shaw, pictured below on right, next to luvy duvy entrepreneurs Chris and Kym Jenkins! Johnny!!
Above is Garrick Trosper of NW Mutual and Lorena Mascus of Mid American Mortgage; Michael Novilla doing the ghost skeleton photobomb and Julie bombing him. Priceless!! Below is business consultant Nick Mazeika and Julia, and Sydney Wade, welcome back!

Michael Novilla taking over here….Audrey had to run. Tonight was our Novaween Social and Delicious Brick and Mortar dinner, which was 5 Star yummy and fun, as ALWAYS!!
Amazing farm fresh beet salad and below is the ox tail. OMG Chef Jason is incredible!!
Since Audrey our ESC photographer had to leave early, I made sure I got a selfie money shot here, so I’m in at least one photo at dinner! What a lovely Novaween Social ESC tonight was! Welcome to all of our new and returning members!!
Every Thursday night since 2009, sans Thanksgiving, Hurricanes and Major Holidays, we meet to laugh, love, help and grow ourselves and our enterprises. Just keep the religion and politics at home. Join us!!
Where is the next ESC meeting?