Headshots Splits and The Galley
Tonight it’s Thursday March 30, 2017, here in beautiful Downtown St. Pete, Florida. We are gathering for our weekly networking, schmoozing, mentoring, drinking, laughing, learning, dining and so much more. Plus some Headshots Splits and maybe even an afterparty! It’s every Thursday since 2009, our group, the Entrepreneur Social Club (TM). A chance to meet and connect with fellow business owners, Entrepreneurs, and the like minded, where religion and politics are forbidden. A place to discuss and debate the best way to solve problems, to make a better business or process; not a place for bullies nor jerks. A fun place where we all walk away a bit smarter. Better humans and business people. A place we call home.
Yup that’s me still holding splits…

Tonight’s meeting recap:
Matt Horwitz founder of LLCUniversity.com was in real estate but wanted to travel, so he created a website in 2010. Then living in Pennsylvania, he became friends with the #1 guy in this industry, deciding to make things free (freemium model); and growth exploded. About 90% of visitors to his site don’t pay anything, they get referrals. Keith Long asks if Matt will disrupt the industry, Matt answers maybe in 10 years. Matt also mentions that there is a lot of shady practices; he ultimately wants to influence the industry for the positive – to be more transparent. He’s enjoyed helping people and has found that his being on the internet (vs. local services) he can scale and make a little on a much larger volume. He’s more interested in building a brand instead of just making $ on transactions. Matt found our ESC via Google search. Welcome Matt!
COMMENT: Trust is important and giving away knowledge to help build trust.
I asked about my new venture, currently in start-up mode, CustomerServiceCollege.com. Should we offer 1st video of series for Bartending, Service, Etc., then charge for the rest? ESC responded “Who is writing the check? The hotels / restaurants?” We discussed offering certifications, and much more.
Roger Curlin of ClubSavor has created a database of certified, qualified, trained service staff. Roger cold pitched each restaurant in person and got 30 restaurants to start on faith. Says he needs to get to 2500 to Break Even.
Chris Jenkins reminds us that we Need to build authority. Use Treehouse or LYNDA.
Dinner tonight was a The Galley at 27 4th Street North, Downtown St. Pete. 727-575-7071
Feedback on the Club Savor flyer:
Matt suggested brand image and call to action lost, too busy. Pitch = Half Off entrees and alcohol for you and a guest, all day every day. $29.95 / month. Suggestions = put the $29 front and center, swop the above the fold on home with the JOIN NOW page.
Phil Peyton with Tour St. Pete: My wife and I like to travel and take tours so we bought a fleet of electric bikes. We advertise socially, Instagram, Viatour with TripAdvisor (owned by tripadvisor), etc. It’s 16 & up to ride, beach cruiser with a battery for a beautiful, fun guided tour along our DTSP waterfront. Typically last about 3 hours. His “niche” that it’s a tour on a electric bike. Nick Mazeika suggested talking to the local concierges. Tourstpete.com we suggest staying outside of owning bikes, use the BYOB. Give away videos of the tours, use mic’d up videos of the actual tours…with the content showing the hidden gems.
OK, I’ll tell the newbies, be WARY of the ESC Afterparty…
Enjoy all the photos from tonight, share and tag #EntrepreneurSocialClub and #NOVA535. Invite your Entrepreneurial friends and associates to join us any Thursday night, just check EVENTS for exact meeting location. Until then, smile, be nice, work hard and follow the path of continuous improvement!