Fearless Facials and Hilarious URLs
Another beautiful Thursday evening here in sunny Downtown St. Petersburg, Florida, aka DTSP. We are gathering for our weekly networking, socializing, drinking, listening and learning; our home away from home. The Entrepreneur Social Club (TM) going strong since 2009. Last week one of our ESC members, the lovely and talented Dona Crowley, held her Luminescence Blacklight Fashion Show and Art Experience during our normal meeting time. Beautiful models painted with blacklight effective body paint, food and music and lots of fun. Well tonight, May 11, 2017, we are back to our “regular” meeting schedule, if “regular” involves fearless facials … so let’s get started!
Tonight’s Meeting Recap:
Newcomer Dr. Thomas Quinlan, pictured below in blue dress shirt and tie, is a Clinical Psychologist, heard about the ESC via online and while at a recent bridal show here at historic DTSP venue NOVA 535. He owns a holistic Weight Loss Clinic, located at 8479 MLK Street North, St. Pete 33702. Welcome Doc! We mention an upcoming Health and Wellness event at Station House and St. Pete Healthy Lifestyles hosted by ESC member Mika Rotunda at NOVA. Plus the doctor needs a professionally designed business card. Talk to designer Melissa Caban. Speaking of Fearless Facials, check out Julia Marie’s extra-organic pitch tonight, for her 5DollarFacials.com. She’s fearless, bravo Julia!
Newcomer Emmanuel “Manny” Herrera, pictured below bottom left in teal polo at table, is a franchise owner of Fred Astaire. Manny found the ESC via WOM. He currently has someone doing online marketing, his client “demo” is 35 to 65 years old with $80k+ household income. He’s finding them with facebook ads, etc. As always we review newcomers business cards. OUR ESC BIZ CARD review for Manny: (he must utilize the Fred Astaire logo but can be flexible with the rest) #1 Use both sides #2 add more motion #3 use larger font. See Manny went from zero to owner in 3 years… even though he expected that journey to ownership to take about 10 years. So we ask Manny. “Do you want to be inside the business for love OR are you using the FA franchise to build an income for other pursuits?” Manny replies “Well my role model is Armando who owns 25 studios, he says the market for “learn to dance” is growing.” We suggested, and acquired, DanceStPete.com; a much easier to pitch URL vs the super long existing Fred Astaire one. ESC veteran Nick tells Manny to “Ask Armondo what works, what doesn’t, what should I do, not do, etc. Be specific.”
Here’s a quick dinner preview, tonight it’s at Proper DTSP. Modern, delicious BBQ. ESC members are welcome to join us at any point in the evening. ESC members like Max Shave Cave Glazer, Simmy, Miky plus our bartender Vanessa, and a few others joining for dinner and our infamous afterparty. Of course Julia has sold several facials by now, always with a smile on her face.
Welcome to newcomer Derrick Harmel, who found the ESC via Word Of Mouth (WOM). Derrick, pictured below dark shirt, wearing glasses, is now with Club Savor. He joined founder Roger Curlin, as the new Club Director, plus is helping to manage sales. Another newcomer Chris Packett also here via WOM, is working with ESC member Mark at ShootToThrillMedia.com. Chris is pictured bottom right in gray Polo. Welcome gents!
Keith Long is looking for Documentary Filmmakers, he’s currently using ProductionHub.com for his search. Keith hints at “I am the journalist of record for Casey Anthony, prosecution suppressed lots of details.” Derrick and I will connect Keith to local filmmakers.

FUNNY URLS WE OWN (but likely aren’t using….YET!)

Those URLs we ARE using…
We’ve just created a new ESC BOOKS section, where our recommended books are located. Please help support the ESC buy clicking on the PURCHASE ON AMAZON links, which will generate a little affiliate $ for us. The ESC is effectively a charity, all the meetings, photos and blogs are powered by love and hard work.
BOOKS RECOMMEND TONIGHT (some new ones tonight):
Thank You For Being Late
Give and Take
Man’s Search For Meaning
Blue Ocean Strategies
What I’ve Learning Loosing $1MM
Robert Greene
Dinner tonight was the relatively new PROPER DTSP located at 344 1st Ave. South St. Petersburg, FL 33701 727-494-0700. It’s owned and operated by local Restaurant Entrepreneur Stephen Schrutt, who now owns several tasty, popular restaurants here in DTSP. Bravo Stephen!
Below are all the edited, and allowed – haha, photos from tonight. Share, enjoy and see you on Thursday!
PS: If you’re looking to host a wedding, reception, film shoot, holiday party or corporate event, and want to experience the 5 Star NOVA Way, find out more here. Or call/text 949-873-6682 or [email protected].