ESC at NOVA 535 then Ruby's Elixir

Food Porn and 5 Dollar Facials

One of my favorite components of The Entrepreneur Social Club is my fellow Entrepreneurs and the things that come out of their mouths. We had several newbies tonight, Thursday March 24, 2016. They ranged from pre-start-up to successful business owners. Julia, a newcomer, was offering organic facials, 5 Dollar Facials, and the double entendre was enjoyed throughout the evening. We enjoyed it so much that after several drinks during dinner, we purchased the url Yes we risk takers and visionaries, those of us who create and lead and make the world a better place,we need to blow off a lot of steam and stress, and the ESC is a strong dose of that healing medicine. We need to laugh, and joke and be silly to rebalance our inner cores, from the ever present over-tilt of too much work, not enough play. So tonight I’m titling “Food Porn and 5 Dollar Facials.” Read on at your own risk!

2016 03-24 Entrepreneur-Social-Club-at-NOVA-535-downtown-St-Pete-DTSP-BrickandMortar-then-Rubys (18)-2

Our Rules are No Religion, Politics, Liars, Bullies nor Thieves. When seated, only ONE person talking at a time. Phone ringers on vibrate, please check into NOVA 535 and Entrepreneur Social Club and say something nice please. 

BELOW is Brian, the legendary Emmanual Roux of the (RIP) Garden Restaurant and now GateauOChocolat (An All Natural, Gluten Free and 100% Delicious Chocolate Cake), newcomers Nick Reinsch, a business consultant – welcome Nick and Julia who is in the infancy of her Organic Facials and Skin Care. We pushed Julia to be a good student and listener, I think she will be, and we dug deep for some pitch clarity – Organic / All Natural from the Outside in. Julia Haddad, a self proclaimed Organic Enthusiast, offers her Organic Skincare called Fruityz, and All Natural facial.  From her FB Page “Dry skin? Rashes? Acne? red skin? Winkles? Chicken pox? Improve your chances of satisfaction with this ALL natural Simple & effective. Fruityz all natural Skin care is a All natural, Eco friendly, Family friendly Skin cleanser. A Totally NEW way to Effectively Deep clean, moisturize, Tone and tighten.”  I couldn’t agree more that to be healthy it’s equally as important as what you eat AND what you put on your skin.

2016 03-24 Entrepreneur-Social-Club-at-NOVA-535-downtown-St-Pete-DTSP-BrickandMortar-then-Rubys - A decadent evening filled with Food Porn and 5 Dollar Facials.

GateauOChocolat Flourless Chocolate Cake

In attendance tonight was:

The lovely, Kylin Brady VELA Condo Development

Vela Condo in DTSP
Christine Fasan K9 Holistics – who was so much fun last week at dinner+, that I was truly disappointed when she couldn’t join us tonight. Never again Christine!! =D
Newcomer, Ian MacGeorge, of Leverage Marketers. Welcome Ian! He is a consultant for, a CRM, Email Marketing Platform, Sales Pipeline Management. He “Helps Businesses Leverage via Automation”.
Ann Marie Kriso of the Organic American Fashion Company Isabella Bowdon, welcome back!
Nick Mazeika I’m you when you can’t be. BIG NICK!!
Brian O’Donnell of, welcome back Brian.
Emmanuel Roux of GateauOChocolat, my long time friend and someone I’m proud to know, a gentlemen who continues to give back so much to our community. Merci!!
Nick Reinsch, another newbie WELCOME, of  5 Linx Network Marketing, Payroll and Merchant Processing. Welcome Nick!

Business Cards and Reviews:

2016 03-24 Entrepreneur-Social-Club-at-NOVA-535-downtown-St-Pete-DTSP-BrickandMortar-then-Rubys (30)-2

Jim Parks with 24 Years of AIG, now starting his own JPB and Associates – welcome Jim! FYI A tie is NOT required at the ESC.
Theresa Rae Gay – our longtime pal and owner of Sail RC, always delightful to see you!
Two of my favs, Kym Jenkins,  V Spicery and hubby Chris Jenkins CIO of Symphoni Media, another epic ESC. Love you both!
Arthur Guelli InjusryClaim, Art!

Keith Long,  Author and Ghostwriter. Welcome back Keith!
Tony Michaelides Author, Speaker, Rock n Roll Guru. Mr Cool Himself!

BELOW = Christine Fasan, Ian MacGeorge, Ann Marie Kriso, Nick Mazeika and Brian O’Donnell.

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Farmacology by Daphne Miller

How Not to Die is a book I’m just finishing, and it’s a MUST READ. The quick is, eat MORE (or all) plants and veggies, and LESS (or none) meats of any kind. I’m eating well and certainly adding more raw plants and trying to eat less meats. Though the ox tail, ribs, chicken and octopus at Brick and Mortar were, haha, to die for.

Blue Ocean Strategies: Don’t compete on Price. Differentiate your business. Who am I trying to different for? How can I be of service to my clients?

Go Give or Sell More, is the follow up from the Book, Go Givers

PT Barnum’s The Art of Money Getting

What I learned losing a $1,000,000

Start with the Why

The Pulitzer Prize winning (and MUST READ) Thinking Fast and Slow

2016 03-24 Entrepreneur-Social-Club-at-NOVA-535-downtown-St-Pete-DTSP-BrickandMortar-then-Rubys (17)-2

2016 03-24 Entrepreneur-Social-Club-at-NOVA-535-downtown-St-Pete-DTSP-BrickandMortar-then-Rubys (27)-2

Above we have newcomer, and 24 year insurance expert Jim Parks, who is just starting his own insurance company. He’ll quickly learn we’re a no tie required club. Next to him is the lovely ladies Theresa Rea Gay and Kym Jenkins, followed by tech guru Chris Jenkins, trying not to laugh at the moment.

Below Arthur Gueli of and ghostwriter / journalist Keith Long are back, enjoying my round of mid-meeting photos (via my Samsung Note 5, so be kind). Thanks to Art for helping my with the dinner and vino bill at Brick and Mortar – you’re a good man!

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My pal Tony Michaelides, writer, speaker, Rock-n-Rolla,  gave me a ride to dinner tonight. As we strolled past The Rock Shop, which had been featured recently on my website, where we share only the BEST of DTSP.  I asked Tony to stop for a photo. See Tony, is the super-cool, Rock and Roll guru; the guy who the newspapers and TV channels call to interview when big news things happen like David Bowie’s death. Tony is THAT guy. So I joked that with this photo, of Mr Rock-n-Rolla in front of The Rock Shop, that “Now THEY’D be Famous!”.

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Dinner tonight was at, again, Brick and Mortar Kitchen, one of our top favorites restaurants in downtown St. Pete, located at 539 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 (727) 822-6540. Chef Jason and co-owner wife Hope are always so warm, welcoming, accommodating and friendly, and their food truly is at the top top of the best of DTSP. Chef Jason and superstar hostess Hope, BRAVO!!! Tonight was an extraordinarily delicious and enjoyable evening, best described as Food Porn! Triple XXX Yummy!!

2016 03-24 Entrepreneur-Social-Club-at-NOVA-535-downtown-St-Pete-DTSP-BrickandMortar-then-Rubys - A decadent evening filled with Food Porn and 5 Dollar Facials.

ABOVE is the grilled octopus, tender and oh so delicious.

BELOW is the Hand Cut Truffle Parmesan Fried with garlic Aioli – YUMMY!

2016 03-24 Entrepreneur-Social-Club-at-NOVA-535-downtown-St-Pete-DTSP-BrickandMortar-then-Rubys (36)-2 A decadent evening filled with Food Porn and 5 Dollar Facials.

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Julia enjoying some red vino with the group while our favorite bookkeeper, Krystle Pinzker, of Fluent Bookkeeping, flashes her winning smile for my camera, all while we enjoyed appetizers, laughs and lots of vino; waiting for our table.

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2016 03-24 Entrepreneur-Social-Club-at-NOVA-535-downtown-St-Pete-DTSP-BrickandMortar-then-Rubys (44)-2

ABOVE is Art, Nick, Ann Marie and Julia, properly saluting our fellow Entrepreneurs.

BELOW is the custom meal for Big Nick, from Chef Jason, THANKS CHEF! Nick is on a meal and veggies only diet, via Dr. Bob Linde. Nick is looking and feeling fantastic, nice work big Nick!

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2016 03-24 Entrepreneur-Social-Club-at-NOVA-535-downtown-St-Pete-DTSP-BrickandMortar-then-Rubys (50)-2

2016 03-24 Entrepreneur-Social-Club-at-NOVA-535-downtown-St-Pete-DTSP-BrickandMortar-then-Rubys (51)-2 A decadent evening filled with Food Porn and 5 Dollar Facials.

BELOW is the Citrus and Herb Brined Airline Chicken Roast – spectacular! We also shared the Ribs, the Ox Tail, the Flatbread, the Fat Noodles and the Veal Meatballs. OMG!!

2016 03-24 Entrepreneur-Social-Club-at-NOVA-535-downtown-St-Pete-DTSP-BrickandMortar-then-Rubys - A decadent evening filled with Food Porn and 5 Dollar Facials.

After dinner we swung by the best dive bar in St. Pete, The Emerald, directly across the street at 550 Central Avenue (no photos, but was as fun as always). After a few drinks, we collected the group and then mosied over to Ruby’s Elixir, for the best live music in town. Below is one of our drink orders, where I’m ALWAYS ordering water to keep us hard working / partying Entrepreneurs properly hydrated! Then OF COURSE we are all ready to uber safely home! Well, until Jzon showed up, then things really went sidewayzzz…

2016 03-24 Entrepreneur-Social-Club-at-NOVA-535-downtown-St-Pete-DTSP-BrickandMortar-then-Rubys (8)-2 Thursday March 24, 2016 found the Entrepreneur Social Club caught in a decadent evening filled with Food Porn and 5 Dollar Facials.

Below Nick, Julia, Krystle (love that face!) and our fabulous waitress celebrate the moment: great music, with cold delicious cocktails, enjoyed with good friends, old and new. Julia was a newbie tonight, and she was quite the trooper, welcome to our social club Julia!

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2016 03-24 Entrepreneur-Social-Club-at-NOVA-535-downtown-St-Pete-DTSP-BrickandMortar-then-Rubys (10)-2


Join us at the Entrepreneur Social Club, every Thursday Night from 6p to 8:30 pm, most always at downtown St. Pete venue NOVA 535, then off to dinner and more  drinks here in DTSP.

PS Next week March 31, 2016 will be a 100% SOCIAL evening here at the ESC as we celebrate my April Fools Day Birthday. Join us at NOVA 535 for Magic, Music and Tom Foolery Madness!


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