This week’s Entrepreneur Social Club, held Thursday Night October 13, 2016, was a blast for everyone involved. We had some very interesting newcomers that sparked intriguing conversation that soared as we enjoyed a new atmosphere, for the actual club meeting, at The Queen’s Head. Located at 2501 Central Avenue, DTSP (aka DownTown St. Pete), TQH (Ring em up and ask for the Queen 727-498-8584) is certainly an ESC favorite restaurant and bar. We eat here often after our meetings, which are typically held at wedding and event venue NOVA 535. The turnout this week was wonderful, counting to about 30 group members in attendance, and it was clear that each person was intrigued by and benefited from the topics offered for discussion. Let’s call it Dinner and a Meeting with The Queen.
As the group enjoyed delicious appetizers, meals, and drinks, we kicked the night off with questions from newcomer, David Schmueck, about how to market his brand in real estate in a more innovative way, in order to showcase his more innovative approach to real estate. The group gathered together to ask questions in getting to know his brand before offering further insight into marketing approaches, including making changes to his business card that would more directly reflect his quality of service.

After sharing insight and inspiration with one another, focusing on just a few brands and entrepreneurs in particular, a good portion of the group stuck around afterward to enjoy more drinks and conversation at The Queen’s Head. It was engaging, insightful, and as always- fun! Another great success for the Entrepreneur Social Club and its valued members.
Pictured above Michael S. Novilla, owner of, historic wedding and event venue NOVA 535 (where most ESC meetings are held every Thursday night), also waves hello center below. Julia Marie of, the Organic Facial company Fruityz, center in green, also smiling (as always!)
John Pereira founder of Imperiousa, Keith Widmer founder of Acclaim Plastics, and Jeffrey Kaplan founder of DogPhrendly enjoying time networking, schmoozing and learning from fellow Entrepreneurs.
Above in purple short sleeves is newcomer Jon Landers of TBAIMS, next to Mr Rock-n-Rolla, Published Author and Speaker Tony Michaelides, below Anne-Marie Townes of Keller Williams Suncoast Realtor and Nick Mazeika share their pearly whites with us. Welcome (back) everyone!
Above, left to right, is (Jacob? sorry!) Emmanuel Roux (blue and white squares), GateauOChocolat, Miss ?? (so sorry!), Arthur Gueli (green shirt) of and Anytime Concierge Mr Super Helpful Jeff Sassano.
What a delightful night, filled with delicious (as always!) food and draughts and vino during Dinner and a Meeting with The Queen. Join us any / every Thursday night here in DTSP for the always fun and productive Entrepreneur Social Club! Check the next ESC meeting location.