It’s Thursday night again, which means the Entrepreneur Social Club, which meets most always here at historic venue NOVA 535 in beautiful downtown St. Petersburg, Florida. Occasionally we’re offsite when NOVA is booked for a private event. we had a packed house. I LOVE seeing the entire table full, tonight was a delightfully unexpected ESC reunion, so many faces returning from their busy lives. Tonight was unusual as several, independent clumps of friends and Entrepreneurs randomly show up for this Thursday’s Entrepreneur Social Club. Plus there was around ten newbies. I asked all the newcomers how they heard of ESC, and EVERYONE said from a friend or business associate. I then asked who spent time today on social media and EVERYONE raised their hands. I wanted to drive home the point that Word of Mouth is still the most powerful way to gain new business.
It was great to see so many new and old faces, and friends in the crowd. Here’s the list of attendees for March 3, 2016:
Marina Williams – my pal and (finally!!) a first timer. She is a fellow visionary and so much fun to spend time with. Marina owns the fabulous ArtPool Gallery at 2030 Central Avenue, which I frequent ALL THE TIME – and it’s only taken me since 2009 to get her in here for an ESC. She did., she loved us and said she’d definitely be back. Yea!
Claudio Ceron – mucho gusto amigo!
Ann Marie Kriso
Deserie Valloreo – delightful as always!
Ralph Segurra – welcome back Ralph!
Keith Long
Gina Tracy
Nick Mazeika – NOVA 535 Wedding Venue and Unique Event Space sales and consulting
Christine Fasan
Fran Goulet – Franny the Pet Nanny
Sheri Kendrick – Founder of Charity Little Light of Mine mentioned that “you shouls ask for what you need” to communicate LOUDLY, you never know who is watching, To see what groups they are involved in and ask the leaders and influencers of those groups for help – along the lines of “would you be willing to talk about (promote) my stuff, and if it’s quality and compelling content, Sheri’s charity cetainly is, they most likely will help. We all need quality compelling content.
Steven Alspaugh – newbie
lovely Kym Jenkins and tech guru hubby Chris Jenkins – Symphoni Media – another great ESC!
Arthur Guelli
Lynn Donohue
Lorayne Chulla
Mark Rowley
Evan Artist – Evan brought his amazing illustrations again, plus created a new one for the ESC tonight, Thanks!!
Daniel Zoltan
Eric Hartman – Co-founder of 615 Media
Kyle Fleming – photographer who will be covering the St. Pete Grand Prix races for my company , which features only the best of DTSP – places, events and personalities.
Mark Rowley
Steve Herczeg – newcomer and I didn’t get his card.
Sam Dean – a new medical device we didn’t get to deep into. Hope to see you again Sam.
David Phillips – welcome for the first time. David had a great pitch, something like ” I was a Bank Robber on Wall Street during the 80’s and made a killing. I’m now retired”.
Jodi Hansel – r2d beverages – squeeze
Cory Allen and Whitney Evans of Cory Allen Contemporary Art – CACA. Great seeing you both!
Dee Speagler
Kathy Gilbert – Want to get get art out here in St Pete, murals,
Theresa Rae Gay – welcome back we missed you! Theresa sold her previous company Sail RC and now is pitching Errand Express Tampa Bay -“What can we do for you today?”
Lauren Davenport and Daniel Fernandez – Team Symphoni Media was in the house! We missed hubby and wife due Lauren and Daniel, plus along with their new hire Robert Savage, sporting his properly brilliant British accent. BE careful Tony Michaelides, you’ve got come competition!
Ann Marie Kriso – (Newcomer) President – Founder of Isabella Bowdon, LLC was another delightful newcomer. She got her business card reviewed. For most people, it can be difficult hearing all the things WRONG with your card, your pitch, your business name an mesaging. We tell the peole being reviewed not to argue and defend but to LISTEN. Take the free and highly valuable feedback from, tonight was 36 I believe, fellow Entrepreneurs. See unlike Shark Tank, we’re NOT trying to beat you down and buy your business at a discount. WE are ONLY tryuing to help. So if you listen and learn, like Ann and Jabon (below) did, you can make some substantial evolutionary improvements in your business immediately. They both should have walked away with a huge step forward tonight. All that for just showing up and participating, and enjoying themselves.
Ann’s card and pitch was a nebulous and unclear “Organic Designs” to suggestions of “Apparel Company lounge ware made in 100%” to “USA organic material” to “100% Organic American Apparel Company” to “All American Organic Apparel”. Big improvement for Ann, you’re most welcome!
Jacob Kent – (Newcomer) Jacob, a freshly graduated college student said he wants to be motivational speaker / executive coach. He was told that these are two quite different roles, so choose which one you want. Also he was directed and questions heavily by the ESC –You need to have something to say (from your POV) and need to have the audience to say it to. Why would we hire you? What’s your experience. Who are you? What Directly Applicable Experience do you have? Jacob enjoys helping / mentoring college students . We suggested he helps his students being accountable and motivated. WE also recommended to meet / shadow / learn about local success story Reuben Pressman and about TED Talks. We told JAcob – You need to be the Authority in XYZ expertise, empathy and enthusiasm. Experience doesn’t necessarily mean great results. Plus, Deepak offers a certified meditation – Who am i ? What do i want? And what is my purpose?
How did you hear about ESC? Why are YOU here tonight? ALL of our newcomers heard about the ESC via Word of Mouth.
For dinner tonight we returned to the Oyster Bar at 249 Central Avenue, Downtown St. Petersburg, one of the ESC’s favorite spots. I was late, helping to close up NOVA 535 and well dinner and drinks were already in motion! Another DELICIOUS and fun time at the Oyster Bar!
After dinner we strolled over to Ruby’s Elixir, the BEST spot for LIVE JAZZ in DTSP. Here I found long time friends, entrepreneurs and world-travelers Audrey and Sheldon Blake! Audrey Jennifer is an artist and I found out tonight a really good singer, while Sheldon Blake is a world-famous entertainer and they are both super duper human beings. What a memorable time tonight! Love you both!
For all you who don’t yet have a public profile on this website here is how you do this. Why? It raises your online profile and authority, and only takes a few minutes, once.
PLEASE HELP THE ESC and YOURSELF, takes 5 minutes once; CREATE your member PROFILE here on

# 6 This will connect you to the ESC and give access to our events, photos and help your own SEO rankings. Here is the Google + info (what we use for our ESC event system)
Sheri is hilarious!
I hope you enjoyed our weekly Entrepreneur Social Club, titled A Delightfully Unexpected ESC Reunion then Oyster Bar and Ruby’s Elixir. When you are here in sunny downtown St. Pete, Florida on any Thursday night, JOIN US!! You’ll be so glad you did! (The photos were taken by my Samsung Note 5.)