The BIG Pitch

The BIG Pitch


The BIG Pitch top 10 will compete head-to-head on stage at The Straz on April 30th, 2015

Visit the website for all details:

Hi Entrepreneur Social Club Friends,

We went over a few details about The BIG Pitch last week, and I was asked to make a video that explains how we want to see your videos submissions. Your video can be “this” level of amateur…shoot the video with your phone or laptop. No need to go all-out with the production value, we just want to see YOU, understand your passion, and hear the fine details of your pitch in 5-minutes or less.

2015 THE-BIG-Pitch-fb-damon

I pulled this directly from The Big Pitch website for your convenience while you follow along with my tutorial video:

You will be judged on the following criteria:
1. Is your message clear? (Do I get what you do?)
2, Are you credible (Do I get why I would want to hire you?)
3. What is the problem you solve?
4. How do you solve it?
5. Why do you do what you do?
6. What is your reputation like in the marketplace?

Props or visual aids are not allowed during the pitch. If you can’t pitch what you do without props or visual aids, then your pitch needs work. You can’t carry visual aids or props at a networking event, and you can’t use them in the video either.

The Big Pitch

Application fee for The BIG Pitch is $100.

Please reach out to me if you have questions. Topher Morrison offered to come out next week (3/26/2015) and bring a camera and record videos for those who would like to apply and/or answer questions. (Are we off-site next week?)

My cell is 727.460.5066. No naked selfies, please. This mean you, Wolf.

Jodi McLean



“Can your Pitch keep your customers interested in investing in you as much as they are interested in investing in a great business concept?”


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