OK ladies and gentlemen, on Thursday June 13th. 2013, from 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm here at unique, historic wedding and event venue NOVA 535 we are throwing our first Entrepreneurial Social Party. Let’s get Social! We are inviting in the other regional networking and business clubs to share part of what makes the Entrepreneur Social Club, aka the ESC famous: that we know how to have a really, really, REALLY great time!
So I need two thing from you all:
#1 dig up your favorite ESC photo and post it here to help build the buzz and
#2 Bring yourself and your fellow Entrepreneurial, Business and networking buddies, it’s time to get social…. LET’S PARTY!

And what an amazing night it was! Chris and Kym Jenkins, of course where in attendance!

One of the wonderful things about the Entrepreneur Social Club is the delightfully, brilliant, beautiful and amazing ladies that help comprise our global membership! Amazing humans from all over our planet. It’s always a great time to get social, with the ESC. Swing by ANY THURSDAY, please Join us!!