It’s Thursday, January 16, 2020, my first ESC meeting after returning back to the USA from another EPIC travel adventures. Republic of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and South Korea. Then landed into Las Vegas for CES 2020, where I spent a few days with ESC pal Seth Mattox. Wow! My head still spinning, I find myself back here at our HQ, my historic venue, NOVA 535. Our Entrepreneur Social Club [tm], aka the ESC, gathers each week, 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm for business development, drinks, mentoring, networking, laughter, plus sharing successes, failures and honest feedback. Then we go downtown for dinner and more drinks. As 2020 is now upon us, let me offer up a Happy 2020 Entrepreneur Social Club to us all! (more…)
Queens Head

An Inbox Full of Queenshead
For someone as organized as I’ve always been, something I’ll see tonight, and share with you all, is quite shocking. Yup, it’s Thursday night again, the 2nd of May, as 2019 races by. Time is relative and my perception of the passage of time continues to speed up. So many people, tasks, responsibilities, activities, then throw on top of the head spin from 416 days of traveling. Photos, memories, new friends collected upon the way. Always reading several books at once, including the all-powerful Haruki Murakami. He is a grandmaster with messing with your sense of time. Toss into that mix, my struggles and steady progress towards completing my own two books, It’s 5 AM Go Home, and World’s Favorite Words. Oh, right! Then there is the managing, promoting, organizing and hosting of you klowns, my lovely fellow Entrepreneurs. So as I sit at Queenshead Restaurant and Bar, while my historic venue NOVA 535 is thankfully booked for the annual Crohns and Colitis Foundation Fundraiser, I wonder, as the rain beats down on the head of the Queen, will anyone even show up? Of course, the delightful owner Tracy Asalita is here, discussing her efforts towards their 10 Year Anniversary party, June 8, 2019. Tick Tock, Tick Tock, I foresee an Inbox Full of Queenshead tonight.

Clients Are People, Just Like You and I
NOVA 535 is the official headquarters of Entrepreneur Social Club (TM). However, the stunning event venue in Downtown St. Pete, Florida was hosting a fundraiser for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation on Thursday, May 18, 2017. The Queens Head (where happy hour is until 7pm!) so graciously hosted our offsite meeting. Since the founder of ESC, Michael Novilla, was delighting his guests at NOVA, this particular meeting was led by myself, Erika Cain. I am a circus artist, speaker, writer and marketer (Michael calls me the little octopus, as those are just a few of the hats I wear!). It was the first meeting I led, but with such a great group of go-getters, I wouldn’t be upset if I had to do it again! Last week, we were reminded that clients are people, just like you and I.