Wow. It’s time to literally jump for joy. After almost 5 long years, filled with plenty of trials, failures, laughter, travels, stories and parties, we are finally here. Back breaking work, stress, rage, frustrations, sorrow, success and failures, we are here. Finally. Last night, July 31, 2019 I, Michael Scott Novilla, founder of the Entrepreneur Social Club, can be called a Published Author. Michael Scott Novilla is a Published Author. Wow. I’m so grateful and thankful for so many reasons. Especially of Topher Morrison, previously of the Key Person of Influence program, and thereby Daniel Priestley it’s founder. They created the path forward, to publishing. It was supposed to take 9 months, it lasted about 5 years. Not from lack of hard work. No, more from having to understand and pitch who I really am. Which, for us Entrepreneurs, is not only a moving target, it’s (hopefully) an expanding one as well. Yea, I’m complex. So let’s say thanks to Topher and Daniel, and get rolling with our ESC meeting, held at my historic downtown St. Petersburg, Florida wedding venue and unique event space NOVA 535. Another rainy Thursday, August 1, 2019.

YA Author Lele Iturrioz Delights Readers’ Favorite
Fantasy YA Author Lele Iturrioz Delights Readers’ Favorite, winning a 5-Star Review and their Readers’ Favorite Honorary Book Award!
“I’m Lele and I’m the author of the YA fantasy series, Seasons Within.” Lele and I “met” through a mutual friend, blossoming Entrepreneur Alejandra Ramirez, a fellow, talented, Mexican. They grew up together, and Ale mentioned to me that maybe I should meet her writer friend Lele. I’m always happy to help, it’s exactly why I created the Entrepreneur Social Club, aka ESC, back in 2009. To help, mentor, learn from and make new, amazing friendships. So I connected with Lele, and offered some free advice. Lele and I did some video chatting, and I walked her through several website and social media improvements, and such. She was great, taking notes, and making many improvements immediately. She’s a busy young lady, seemingly writing all the time! It took me several months, but finally got with Lele long enough for an (quick) interview.