No Religion and No Politics, just Fun Productive Solutions for you and your enterprise(s) every Thursday 6 pm – 8 pm, then hang with us for dinner and drinks afterwards!!
An Entrepreneur is a person who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea and assumes accountability for the inherent risks and accepts full responsibility for the outcomes.
I believe that we Entrepreneurs are born different, have different brains. We are the ones creating, taking the risks and moving things forward. We have to UNITE and WORK TOGETHER using the continuous improvement philosophy towards fun productive solutions, for ourselves, our enterprises and for the world. Remember there is NO superman who’s going to save the day – if WE don’t solve these problems then NO ONE will.
Connect with our growing global community of Entrepreneurs
WHERE do we meet?
The Entrepreneur Social Club is headquartered at the gorgeous, world-class NOVA 535 Unique Event Space here in beautiful downtown St. Petersburg, Florida.
Every Thursday 6 pm–8 pm, then we dine in at NOVA or choose a local restaurant and head downtown after for dinner and drinks…. This is where new friendships are strengthened and a LOT OF LAUGHS are enjoyed!
To connect with like-minded Entrepreneurs and use our combined efforts to help our city and the world enjoy positive forward progress via continuous improvement. As Entrepreneurs we openly discuss and debate everything EXCEPT politics and religion; we work towards finding SOLUTIONS, not creating more anger and divisions. Positive forward progress. We blend a fun, compelling social environment including our Full Premium Bar here in our Gorgeous World-Class venue NOVA 535 Unique Event Space, with connecting to productive, profitable real-world solutions for you and your enterprise. JOIN US!!
Each week the agenda mostly varies, yet one thing remains constant: This is NOT one of those stiff or cheesy networking groups. The Entrepreneur Social Club is a FUN and PRODUCTIVE group of Entrepreneurs, business owners, start-ups, students, industry veterans and those who have something positive to offer.
We use the first 25-30 minutes to unwind, grab a drink and make some new connections.
Each member of the Entrepreneur Social Club gives their 15 second pitch. Your name and your business, the benefits for hiring / buying from you then finish with your name and your businesses. Short sweet clear and compelling. Make your 15 second pitch great – if not we’re here to help!
After this we then dive into one or several group segments, which include:
Think Craig’s list meets speed dating…quickly connecting your needs and wants to those who have or can connect you.
Giving you the meaty knowledge w/out the long read. Yes you’re welcome.
Sharing what works and what didn’t. It’s learning how not to step in certain puddles, which questions to ask and when. Sharing and understanding failures are usually an effective way to learn a lesson from the school of hard knocks w/out actually getting knocked down. But it’s not how many times you’ve been knocked down or have failed, it’s how many times you get back up and continue marching forward!
Peering into and discussing what might be next year, next decade, next century or next millennium…and why that matters to us all…
Everyone passes their card two people down and we rip them apart. Looking at a business card is it clear what the business is selling? Is it legible? Where is the business located? Is it boring or compelling? Beautiful or blah? Does the name of the business clearly describe the business; or is the name horrible? Does the card take advantage of all of the available real estate?
What is holding you back from success & happiness? Is it fear, shyness, perfectionist, cannot delegate, unorganized, over committed, spread too thin, are you too bossy, …
What I failed at this week was _______ and what I learned from it was______.
What is the best new IDEA / WEBSITE this week?
20-30 minutes of tough love where we EVOLVE your business while you defend who, what, where, why, when and how you’re doing things… We offer frank and sometimes brutal advice on where you are wrong, lost, off track and how to get where you need to be. This isn’t for everyone but if you expect to survive in the real world then the SUPERNOVA is a quick way to get into excellent Entrepreneurial shape.
and so on as we now have over 100 and growing ESC Segments.