You might not think of artists as Entrepreneurs, but they, we, most certainly are. We create, we design, we build, we have vision(s) and occasionally turn those visions into realities. Almost more importantly we are NOT afraid to fail. To make mistakes. To F-up. To be laughed at, ridiculed, humiliated. Because we KNOW we have something UNIQUE, something special, we just might not be able to translate whatever-the-heck-that-is into reality. More so not into a reality that enough other people are willing to pay for, and that’s the rubb.
Painters, sculptors, architects, builders, musicians, and the whole crazy lot are Entrepreneurs. Though most lack the necessary skills and attitudes to be financially successful. They could be, it’s a matter of training / mentoring, passion, and drive. You can have excellent, earth shattering ideas and dreams, but without plans, goals, knowledge, passion and the drive to obtain them then they are just ideas. Sometimes though, when the proper ingredients meet lady luck and good timing, the Entrepreneurial stars can align and magic happens. One of the five photos below is from a world famous artist, can you guess which one and who?
When an Entrepreneurial Artist becomes popular, then financially successful, that’s a beautiful and rare occurrence. Unfortunately, with many talented and driven artists, this only comes after they’ve passed away. Occasionally though, a shooting star happens, when a live artist becomes financially successful. Here is a view onto today’s art landscape, via Art Basel Miami Beach Florida December 2014.
So what exactly is Art? The definition is typically “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.” According to my Google Search of “Definition of Art”. Well one think I know all too well is that ALL ART IS SUBJECTIVE. See I opened an ART LOUNGE back in 2009 here in downtown St. Pete Florida, called NOVA 535. We spent 3 long years renovating a 5 and Dime store built in 1920 into a gorgeous venue showcasing Art, a swanky lounge and hosting events, weddings and parties. We quickly learned two valuable lessons. #1 No one knows what an Art Lounge is, but everyone knows what an Event Space is. Lesson is to be clear in your branding and pitch.
(Guess which one of the 5 photos below shows a piece which sold for over $100K ?)
The 2nd thing we learned, albeit a bit more slowly, is that brides, ladies, our clients, like all humans have an emotional reaction to art. Love / hate / indifference / whatever. Well when you book your wedding 18 months in advance, to get a premium wedding venue like NOVA 535, the art hanging NOW won’t be hanging in 18 months FROM NOW. Big problem. Unless she already hates the piece so then she didn’t book you anyways. Big problem.
Lesson #2 is we switched to a permanent collection of Bride / Event Friendly Art. New term, problemS solved. Hurray! If you want to take advantage of our, the Entrepreneur Social Club’s collective knowledge, experiences and enjoy yourself tremendously along the way, then join us at NOVA on Thursday Nights, 6 pm to 8 pm then stay for the optional dinner afterwards. Because our planet, our species needs MORE Entrepreneurs, and certainly LESS politicians, because all of OUR problems, won’t solve themselves.
So what is obvious to the trained art expert / critic / eye is that some of this art is just public masterbation. A one time piece just to show off. There are a lot of pieces that will never be sold and end up collecting dust in mom’s attic. There are pieces that will fetch a LOT of $$ 000 $$$. Then the wild card is that you never, ever really know which will be which, until after it’s made and shown off to the world. So keep creating, painting, drawing, designing, keep making your art people, because without it we’re just a bunch of dreamers. And dreams are only half the solution!
Be kind as these photos were all shot on my Samsung NOTE 2 smartphone, many against glass with, sad to say not so great lighting. No editing, no cropping, just a mostly steady hand and click-a-roo. If I waited to take these home, process and edit them all, well the 3 hours I’ve spent here in Miami blogging would have been spent on enjoying more art, some vino and fun and partying and, the sharing of this art and my story may have just remained a dream….
So are you creative? Entrepreneurial? A business owner or start-up? A success already and you want to enjoy the energy of like-minded people while mentoring them? Then connect with the Entrepreneur Social Club, in person every Thursday at NOVA 535 Unique Event Space in downtown St. Pete, Florida, or online here. The ESC is where we have an incredibly fun time while solving real problems, where we exclude religion and politics, while focusing on helping, connecting and enjoying our fellow Entrepreneurs and business owners. Why? Because if we don’t save our species, no one will. And I think we’re worth saving, don’t you? Then Join us!