By July I had enough of people, parties, planning, brides and booze, well maybe 4 out of 5, so I Googled, “Direct flights from Tampa to _____”. I was searching for a few days escape, somewhere within 1-3 hours flight, English speaking, with an easy in and out. Somewhere that offered lots of quiet green spaces, plenty of modern food, architecture, plus lots of conveniences and nightlife that I could enjoy without having to play host and run the show. A quick anonymous get-a-way to Washington DC was just the remedy I was seeking! Flight booked and packed and off to our nation’s capital – DC here I come!
I decided to stay in the Dupont Circle area at the Kimpton Madera Hotel, fabulous, as that area offered, in my quick search opinion, the best of everything that I could easily walk / Uber to. Looking back, I still stand by that decision, it was a great, friendly hotel close to EVERYTHING.

Of course I was wearing my favorite travel T-Shirt, by local Artist Chad Mize, available, get your’s today!

Washington DC offered beauty in many forms: the diverse humanity that I encountered, gorgeous flowers everywhere, street art and architecture, plus many Entrepreneurial offerings and businesses.
I thoroughly checked out the lovely Dupont Circle FreshFarm Market, it was lively and offered lots of gorgeous flowers, fresh fruits and veggies plus lots more. Certainly they are doing a nice job, but our own Saturday Morning Market, right here in beautiful Downtown St. Pete, Florida is significantly better and bigger. Just saying!! And how could you miss the 13th Annual Paella Festival – smelled so amazing that it (almost literally) drug me towards it. Wow bueno!!
I had visited DC as a young boy, around 13 years old I believe, and it was a great time with mom and siblings Julie and Chris, checking out the scene, while dad was attending a conference. So I was taken aback as I explore the Vietnam Monument, reading all of those names, the inscriptions of people killed, and the terrible affects it must of had on their loved ones – I was unexpectedly brought to tears. Wow so powerful. Let’s Make LOVE not WAR baby!
Always ready to taste something unique, the restaurant I discovered for dinner offered bone marrow which was SO DELICIOUS!!! WOWZERS!!
So I want to thank my TEAM NOVA 535 Unique Event Space, who run our 5 Star wedding and event venue while I’m traveling. We’ve used the knowledge and skills learned here during the Entrepreneur Social Club meetings, which are every Thursday night, most always at NOVA 535. We focus on what we call The NOVA Way, a continuous improvement system. This has taken NOVA from a zero in February 2008 when we opening to being the #1 rated venue in Tampa Bay! Focus on your customers and keep them delighted and you’re on your way too!
If you happen to live here in Tampa St. Pete area, join us at our weekly Entrepreneur Social Club meetings, every Thursday night, most always at NOVA 535. They are ALWAYS fun AND productive!!