Chris Jenkins,

About Chris Jenkins

Hi there! I'm a Florida based web guy with cool friends and a questionable sense of humor. I love code, craft beers, and long walks on the beach while playing Ingress. I'm happily married to my best friend, and the proud father of two. I hope someday to download my brain into a computer.

About builds clean, elegant, powerful websites which are responsive for mobile, and feature deep social media integration. We specialize in business system integration and advanced content management powered by WordPress.

A quick start guide to Google+

UPDATE: Google now puts out a partner’s playbook that is an extensive guide to using the products. Download it here.

Over on Google+, Alex Garcia put together a pretty awesome quick start guide for G+ that deserved some sharing. However, I know some of you aren’t sure enough where to start that sending a direct link wouldn’t necessarily be helpful, and that it could use a little bit of expanding. If you’ve been interested in seeing what Google+ is all about, but had no clue where to go or what to do when you first signed in, read on.


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How to destroy your business in three easy steps.

So, you’ve gone to all the trouble to open a business: you’ve raised the capital, hired employees, bought inventory, and opened the doors. Mission accomplished! Until, of course, the actual pressures of running a business come to bear. If the work of being a business owner, and subject to actual market feedback is overwhelming, what’s a lifestyle entrepreneur to do? Why, destroy the business, naturally! Here’s how to accomplish that laudable goal in three easy steps.

1. Refuse to take criticism of any kind, especially from experts, and blame everyone around you for the business’s shortcomings. 


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So, what’s this thing about, anyways?

There have been hints, rumors, and mini-conversations, but we’re far enough along at this point to really start laying out our vision for the site. This post seeks to help clarify what our desires are, and how can help you.

The purpose of the site is three fold:

  • Coalesce our social conversation around the web into one place.
  • Leverage Google authorship and other social tools to help build individual authority (the KPI program).
  • Formalize our coordination of entrepreneurial events (and ESC meeting events) with the addition of an advisory board of regular members.

I’ll go through each of these three points below:


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